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wireless mouse lagging


So mouse sometimes is lagging playing games or even just browsing internet

I swamped with a mouse from another computer same problem

Running win 10 install is less than a week old

the one i was using was logitech 171 the swapped one logitech 185

dadtofive - 2021-02-28 14:24:00

Are you aware that you can change the mouse speed etc in the settings?

nice_lady - 2021-02-28 14:35:00

tired that will see how it goses

dadtofive - 2021-02-28 15:20:00

Whenever I see a mouse lagging I check the task manager and make sure the CPU is idling - this one says 1%

If it's sitting at 15% then you've got some other problem, of which the mouse lagging is just a symptom. If you fix that, then the immediate foreground mouse response comes right.

edit: and noting that your win10 build is less than a week old, make sure all the motherboard drivers and windows updates are current. It could be stuck and repeating an update over and over.

Edited by gyrogearloose at 4:09 pm, Sun 28 Feb

gyrogearloose - 2021-02-28 16:05:00

do you have a USB flash drive plugged in while it lags?

loud_37 - 2021-02-28 16:11:00

ok no flash drives .
I do have 2 ext hard drives but they are not doing anything task bar says disk 0%

I checked updates said there was 3 if i was having problems but they have made no different

cpu going from 2 to 4 %

looking thru device manger everything looks ok

dadtofive - 2021-03-01 01:04:00

if you haven't already restart

king1 - 2021-03-01 08:25:00

Eyelash in the optical sensor

ronaldo8 - 2021-03-01 09:42:00

mouse is clean and computer restarted.

So i had a problem for couple of months where computer would stutter while playing games or watching you tube etc.

I had thought it was a sound problem .
After tying quite a few things i got rid of everything and did a clean install last week.
the stuttering stopped and everything was good until the mouse problem started.

there are 2 sound on computer realtek which is on the mother board and i run speakers off of that.

and one on graphic card nvidia
So i have disabled the realtek and mouse seems a bit better

which has meant i have to run sound thru the tv which is a veon i would much rather use the computer speakers

any ideas ??
and would that mean theres something wrong with the mother board

dadtofive - 2021-03-01 16:45:00

Did you install all the motherboard drivers? You can download those from the motherboard manufacturer if you don't have the disk.

Sound - this probably doesn't help - but I'm a strong advocate of using the optical output from motherboards that have it, into an optical DAC and then into an amplifier. It eliminates all the power supply noise, otherwise I could hear noise, and even more noise as I moved the mouse. I'm using a Nakamichi amp with about 180 watts per channel, from an eWaste bin lol, couldn't find the remote...

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-01 16:57:00

Well you did remind me i had disabled asus Q-installer in the bios before i had reformatted computer .

So i have turned back on
it says realtek driver is out of date plus
intel rapid storage Tech driver software not installed .

So i ticked the boxes for it to download and install it took about 10 mins doing so restarting the computer

But when i run the q installer it still says driver out of date and the other one not installed.

i think that's why i turned it off in the bios that and it wanting me to install norntons

dadtofive - 2021-03-01 17:30:00
dadtofive wrote:

ok no flash drives .
I do have 2 ext hard drives but they are not doing anything task bar says disk 0%

I checked updates said there was 3 if i was having problems but they have made no different

cpu going from 2 to 4 %

looking thru device manger everything looks ok

Remove the external USB drives and see if the issue goes away.

loud_37 - 2021-03-01 18:44:00

Its a known issue with USB external drives and USB 3.

Edited by loud_37 at 6:46 pm, Mon 1 Mar

loud_37 - 2021-03-01 18:46:00

Have you tried with a USB mouse plugged in to rule out wireless interference? Does it still lag with a wired usb mouse plugged in?

rowdog7 - 2021-03-04 16:45:00
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