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Tablet specifications?


I am looking into buying a tablet. What would you consider to be adequate specifications for such a tablet that is intended to be used primarily to access information on the internet and handle email(gmail)?
I don't want to spend more money than is required to handle the above mentioned tasks.
I don't do gaming or watch movies, although I do sometimes watch "youtube" video's.

mack77 - 2021-02-27 02:20:00

Although you didn't mention the screen size you're after, but personally, for these simple tasks, I would go with Samsung Galaxy TAB A series.

flower_tears - 2021-02-27 06:21:00

Thanks for your answer. I'm after one around 10 inches.

mack77 - 2021-02-27 12:37:00

Are you going to want it to be able to access the internet independent of wifi ?

nice_lady - 2021-02-27 13:02:00

Yes. I will "hotspot" it to my mobile phone.

mack77 - 2021-02-27 16:22:00

Ok that'll cut costs.

nice_lady - 2021-02-27 17:09:00

Thanks to all the people above for the helpful replies. I have just ordered a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7.

mack77 - 2021-03-01 21:15:00

samsung all the way

rcd - 2021-03-05 23:13:00

Samsung, not the cheapest. Howabout either of the 2 budget ones in the Warehouse?

vic008 - 2021-03-19 12:24:00

Never heard anyone say anything positive about the nasty cheap android tablets.
too slow.
battery charge doesn't last,
take a long time to charge,
the connector is cheap and often breaks,
screen responds badly to touch,
are the usual comments.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-03-19 12:45:00

my daughter loves her lenovo. ( from the W,H)
I have started using a chromebook because it's so fast and I think the upmarket ones are touchscreen too

mcgolly - 2021-03-20 16:11:00
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