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Logging on


I don't normally have any problems logging on to any site, click and there is the page/ site I am looking for.
I recently opened a new bank account and am having trouble logging on to my account, it can take forever some times and sometimes I can get timed out before anything happens, very frustrating and even when it does open it can be slow moving to different pages Today I took my computer to a friends house and it logged on O.K.
Could it be my internet provider which is My Republic and I pay for 100?
In our house is only my wife and we just do basic computer stuff.
Any idea's. Thanks

hammer23 - 2021-02-22 16:27:00

try changing the DNS servers in the modem or on the PC...

king1 - 2021-02-22 16:47:00

First thing before you get into the technical stuff is to try a different browser. I'm going to assume you're using a Windows computer. It'll most likely have Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge on it - you can also install and use any number of other browsers. Popular ones are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Try a different browser. See how you go. Your 100Mb connection should be easily fast enough.

nice_lady - 2021-02-22 18:43:00

Give us the link, password and all other logon details and we can try it for you. Will let you know if it works.

Edited by tegretol at 7:13 pm, Mon 22 Feb

tegretol - 2021-02-22 19:10:00


lilyfield - 2021-02-22 19:39:00

#3 I am using Google chrome which the bank say to use. If all else fails I will bring my tame computer man in, or change banks.

hammer23 - 2021-02-22 21:36:00
hammer23 wrote:

#3 I am using Google chrome which the bank say to use. If all else fails I will bring my tame computer man in, or change banks.

No. Just try another browser. Just because the bank suggests you use Chrome that doesn't mean it's going to work well on your system.

It's ridiculously easy to try another browser. You WILL have Edge on the system. Just try it. It'll only take literally about a minute.

Changing banks would be downright stupid.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:47 pm, Mon 22 Feb

nice_lady - 2021-02-22 21:46:00
tegretol wrote:

Give us the link, password and all other logon details and we can try it for you. Will let you know if it works.

"Sorry, but it may take some time for us to get back to you, internet service is not very good here in Nigera"!

onl_148 - 2021-02-24 11:17:00

Router MTU size.

Edited by spyware at 6:59 pm, Wed 24 Feb

spyware - 2021-02-24 18:54:00

Update, I have tried everything that a simple bloke can take in and with the assistance of of the bank. Chrome didn't work, Edge didn't work and finally I loaded Internet explorer and that did work ,so the panic is over. I was ready to change banks but the thought of giving back all the great free pens they gave me was to much to bear . I will give My Republic away when my contract is up, I always find them difficult to contact. Thanks everyone for your help.

Edited by hammer23 at 10:21 am, Fri 26 Feb

hammer23 - 2021-02-26 10:18:00
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