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New Mobile Phone 2 Degrees


Old person here. I bought a new Samsung phone online from JB Hiifi and was careful not to choose any that referenced 2Degrees as I already have a plan with Spark. There's no mention of 2D on the receipt.
It's just arrived with 2Degrees Samsung on the barcode and on the packing slip. The store tells me that I can use any service as 2Degrees don't lock phones to their service (and I guess the store just has a promotional deal with 2Degrees). Is this correct? I don't want to break the seal and be stuck with the phone.

clicketyclick1 - 2021-02-10 15:19:00

If store told you that go for it. generally only cheap phones locked to a network.

peanuts37 - 2021-02-10 16:08:00
clicketyclick1 wrote:

Old person here. I bought a new Samsung phone online from JB Hiifi and was careful not to choose any that referenced 2Degrees as I already have a plan with Spark. There's no mention of 2D on the receipt.
It's just arrived with 2Degrees Samsung on the barcode and on the packing slip. The store tells me that I can use any service as 2Degrees don't lock phones to their service (and I guess the store just has a promotional deal with 2Degrees). Is this correct? I don't want to break the seal and be stuck with the phone.

Phones can be unlocked for about $30 if you have to but in your situation I'd just open the box and stuff my sim card into it and see if it works. If not then you go back to the store and say "hey you guys sold me this saying it wasn't locked to 2degrees but it is - you can unlock it please" And don't pay for them to do it.

Hopefully you have an existing sim card for your Spark plan that will fit the new phone ?

Edited by nice_lady at 4:20 pm, Wed 10 Feb

nice_lady - 2021-02-10 16:19:00

what was the exact model ?

nice_lady - 2021-02-10 16:25:00
nice_lady wrote:

what was the exact model ?

Samsung Galaxy A31. Not a cheapie.

clicketyclick1 - 2021-02-10 17:34:00

I sell them. The 2degrees sticker on the back is a free bee. It's not locked to any network, nor is there a 2degrees logo on boot up or any 2degrees branding

dvince - 2021-02-10 17:44:00
dvince wrote:

I sell them. The 2degrees sticker on the back is a free bee. It's not locked to any network, nor is there a 2degrees logo on boot up or any 2degrees branding

Thanks for that.

clicketyclick1 - 2021-02-10 18:30:00
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