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houses with no record on when built , insurances ?


Hi Ive found a house I like., but the council have very limited records on it,
only a carport built in 1982, the house looks late 60's , and advertised as 60's.
on pretty much the only historic plan it has the shape of house and a shed with date 1969 on it, in the lawyers title search it came up as first owner and name 1975, but cant gaurantee that but thats whats listed, its definately a late 60s, my problem is I phoned the insurance company the house is listed with and they wont share the current owners insurance which is fair enough but said to me they need an exact date, Any advice please I feel its abit risky to try and buy

daz1968 - 2021-02-09 18:58:00

No, don't panic. Firstly what insurer?

sparkychap - 2021-02-09 19:16:00

Our home has no consent/ record of being built - only a carport consent, which didn't even exist when we bought the house! We've been here about 20 years and it's never been a problem with insurance or anything else. We're with AMI.

lyl_guy - 2021-02-09 19:31:00

We did too, no plans,no council consent, nothing..... An ex air force house, govt dept had all the paperwork, nothing to do with council.

kay34 - 2021-02-09 19:33:00

Amazing to think this is a thing. I mean loook at all the flaming hoops people have to jump through these days.

lakeview3 - 2021-02-09 19:34:00

The member deleted this message.

kay34 - 2021-02-09 19:41:00
sparkychap wrote:

No, don't panic. Firstly what insurer?

its anz , vero.. house is silverstream , linked with upperhutt council
the agent is going to the council tomorrow morning but I cant see him finding out anything different than I have , he said could be in one of the surrounding houses file, but yeah Im not comfortable if I cant get details

daz1968 - 2021-02-09 19:47:00
daz1968 wrote:

its anz , vero.. house is silverstream , linked with upperhutt council
the agent is going to the council tomorrow morning but I cant see him finding out anything different than I have , he said could be in one of the surrounding houses file, but yeah Im not comfortable if I cant get details

if it's Terminus, then its 1964 from what I can see.

sparkychap - 2021-02-09 19:52:00

Get the vendor to supply you with the policy details. Quite normal these days.

superdave0_13 - 2021-02-09 20:55:00
lyl_guy wrote:

Our home has no consent/ record of being built - only a carport consent, which didn't even exist when we bought the house! We've been here about 20 years and it's never been a problem with insurance or anything else. We're with AMI.

We had one of those, built early 60's. No consent, no plans. Never a problem with insurance, we used AMI as well.

tony9 - 2021-02-09 21:14:00

most councils have aerial photos going back ages, see when it appears on them.

masturbidder - 2021-02-09 21:15:00
sparkychap wrote:

if it's Terminus, then its 1964 from what I can see.

its 11 terminus street, what info can you see ? I'd really like to see it,
it will help me decide, tender closes thursday. is there a way we can exchange details ? I'd appreciate it , or tell me where I can source the info please

daz1968 - 2021-02-09 21:37:00
superdave0_13 wrote:

Get the vendor to supply you with the policy details. Quite normal these days.

I have those details and yes insured, but the insurance company told me I need to know the year built, and wouldnt share the details on owners policy

daz1968 - 2021-02-09 21:39:00

Check out

They have the exact date from the councils files.

sparkychap - 2021-02-09 21:43:00
sparkychap wrote:

Check out

They have the exact date from the councils files.

oh okay will have a look now , seems strange though as went to cancel but they couldnt find anything , I appreciate your time and will check it out now

daz1968 - 2021-02-09 21:45:00
daz1968 wrote:

oh okay will have a look now , seems strange though as went to cancel but they couldnt find anything , I appreciate your time and will check it out now

its there , yes states 1964 , which makes sense as shed 1969 , still dont get why this isnt on file at the coucil ,

daz1968 - 2021-02-09 21:54:00

The member deleted this message.

superdave0_13 - 2021-02-09 22:52:00
daz1968 wrote:

its there , yes states 1964 , which makes sense as shed 1969 , still dont get why this isnt on file at the coucil ,

because they didn't have files back then, only became a thing in 1991.

gabbysnana - 2021-02-10 08:34:00

If the existing hot water cylinder is still in the house this has the date on it

kinloch68 - 2021-02-10 08:37:00

Try another insurance company who isn't so picky!

pasadena1 - 2021-02-21 17:26:00
daz1968 wrote:

its anz , vero.. house is silverstream , linked with upperhutt council
the agent is going to the council tomorrow morning but I cant see him finding out anything different than I have , he said could be in one of the surrounding houses file, but yeah Im not comfortable if I cant get details

Is it Steve Slicker?

alpha111 - 2021-02-21 18:09:00
pasadena1 wrote:

Try another insurance company who isn't so picky!

That is exactly what i would do. My buildings are all covered by FMG yet only one has any council records. I even had one blow down in a storm and they paid out in full on it.

3tomany - 2021-02-21 19:07:00
gabbysnana wrote:

because they didn't have files back then, only became a thing in 1991.

or they had a big fire. My house had just the outline of the house on the plot, no there information. Which was rather good. But ‘I know nothing’ before we presented plans for an addition.!

cosimo - 2021-02-21 19:31:00
sparkychap wrote:

if it's Terminus, then its 1964 from what I can see.

If Hereatunga Sq, then early to mid 50's

orphic1 - 2021-02-21 19:49:00
lakeview3 wrote:

Amazing to think this is a thing. I mean loook at all the flaming hoops people have to jump through these days.

The OP's question is not a drama.

orphic1 - 2021-02-21 19:58:00

There was something weird going on with the numbering in that street which could have led to a mix up at council. Didn't stop it from selling though!!

superdave0_13 - 2021-02-21 20:13:00

Check out - a wonderful little resource of historic aerial photography for the whole of NZ. Assuming I have the right address in Upper Hutt, it shows the house there in 1974, but possibly not in 1973 (hard to tell on the '73 photo though). Definitely not there in 1970.

justinian1 - 2021-02-21 20:17:00

I used to work a lot with Council building records. There are many reasons for them not holding anything. Top of the list is that it was built by a government department (State House, Education, Railway, Defence etc). They would apply for plumbing permits to link up to Council sewers, but claimed they didn't need to apply for building permits.

Next most common is that it was done as part of a development and is hiding on a neighbouring file (i.e. one permit for 6 houses or something similar).

Third is that the house was moved onto the site from somewhere else, particularly outside the District. If the house moves, the plans don't usually move from one council to another. If it all happened within the one district, then the plans might get moved from one file to another.

Fourth, it predates the Council's records. Most councils required people to submit building plans for the Council to keep from the 1920s onwards. Although some started doing it earlier than that.

Fifth, Council did not keep the records and threw them away or gave them to the owners to keep.

Sixth, the records are organised in some obscure way and the Council no longer knows how to access them properly.

And last on the list is stuff destroyed in fire/earthquakes/floods. It does happen, but isn't anywhere near as common as most people are led to believe.

justinian1 - 2021-02-21 20:26:00
justinian1 wrote:

Check out - a wonderful little resource of historic aerial photography for the whole of NZ. Assuming I have the right address in Upper Hutt, it shows the house there in 1974, but possibly not in 1973 (hard to tell on the '73 photo though). Definitely not there in 1970.

I can see it on the 1970 imagery. I can just make it out on 1969.

It's not there in 1963, though.

But its there in 1966.

So that makes my 1964 number likely correct.

Fun site though.

sparkychap - 2021-02-21 20:44:00
sparkychap wrote:

I can see it on the 1970 imagery. I can just make it out on 1969.

It's not there in 1963, though.

But its there in 1966.

So that makes my 1964 number likely correct.

Fun site though.

Yeah, its a good wee site. It's not complete yet though, they've still got a bit to scan and add from the Crown Aerial Photography Collection.

justinian1 - 2021-02-21 21:04:00
justinian1 wrote:

Yeah, its a good wee site. It's not complete yet though, they've still got a bit to scan and add from the Crown Aerial Photography Collection.

i think you were looking on the right place, but the google address is different from the council addresses - so it’s actually at number 9 on google.

sparkychap - 2021-02-21 21:09:00
sparkychap wrote:

i think you were looking on the right place, but the google address is different from the council addresses - so it’s actually at number 9 on google.

Yes, good ol' Google can be a bit unreliable at times. I should have checked the Council website instead - they're not always 100% accurate, but they tend to be a bit better than Google.

justinian1 - 2021-02-21 22:51:00
daz1968 wrote:

its 11 terminus street, what info can you see ? I'd really like to see it,
it will help me decide, tender closes thursday. is there a way we can exchange details ? I'd appreciate it , or tell me where I can source the info please

Sorry I missed your early question. 11 Terminus was the original parish for St Mary's church. The new parish is that horrible Lockwood built on the church driveway.

Edited by orphic1 at 5:31 pm, Mon 22 Feb

orphic1 - 2021-02-22 17:31:00
justinian1 wrote:

Check out - a wonderful little resource of historic aerial photography for the whole of NZ.

How can I get rid of the thousands of yellow rectangles that cover the satellite images?

trade4us2 - 2021-02-22 20:40:00
trade4us2 wrote:

How can I get rid of the thousands of yellow rectangles that cover the satellite images?

These yellow lines

And if we can't get rid of the yellow lines, where can we get high quality satellite images?

Edited by trade4us2 at 9:03 pm, Mon 22 Feb

trade4us2 - 2021-02-22 21:01:00
trade4us2 wrote:

These yellow lines

And if we can't get rid of the yellow lines, where can we get high quality satellite images?

The yellow lines represent the coverage of the aerial imagery - if you hover over the different imagery sets on the rght hand side, you'll see the different areas highlighted, depending on the cover.

As this is historical imagery, it's not particularly high resolution.

sparkychap - 2021-02-22 21:39:00
trade4us2 wrote:

These yellow lines

And if we can't get rid of the yellow lines, where can we get high quality satellite images?

There's no way to get rid of the yellow lines there, the present day images are just providing an index to the old aerial photography, that you can view on the right hand side of the screen. The yellow lines show the location covered by the older images.

If you want present day stuff, you can either try Google or Land Information NZ here: or you could try your local council.

justinian1 - 2021-02-22 21:46:00
sparkychap wrote:

i think you were looking on the right place, but the google address is different from the council addresses - so it’s actually at number 9 on google.

LOL yea just as a twist,
My workshop for posting is #5
Depending on the search terms, Google shows as half being #5 half as being #7 or #5 & #5A
Council says it's #5
Electricity board says it's #11

mrfxit - 2021-02-24 15:01:00

Well I don't even have a record of there being a house at mine and as we moved a cottage onto the property a few years back for council postal address they now use that and it is off a completely different road as well. It's bit odd really. The main house is a good 100 years old but they lost all the records years ago.

bryalea - 2021-02-24 15:09:00
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