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Message and Email problems


why does my phone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S 4G Android 10) get emails and messages from messenger hours after I get them on my computer
Everything is synced together through google , I do get them but as mentioned I get them hours later , wi-fi and data connections are good so nothing wrong there. This has only happened within the last 2 to 3 months.

greyman55 - 2021-02-06 18:49:00

China is intercepting them and readings your mail. Thatv takes a little time.

Ah seriously, doors this happen both on data and wifi?

nice_lady - 2021-02-06 21:14:00
nice_lady wrote:

China is intercepting them and readings your mail. Thatv takes a little time.

Ah seriously, doors this happen both on data and wifi?

Yes on wi-fi and data ... bloody china huh ;)

greyman55 - 2021-02-06 23:04:00

More than likely nothing to do with phone, probably be in settings ie app not set to auto start or no permission to use data so only works when near wifi etc etc

peanuts37 - 2021-02-07 01:14:00
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