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Reserve Bank repeatedly


Reserve Bank repeatedly warned Government money printing would lead to house price inflation

and here we are today winners and losers or the outside of both

mkr_ahearn - 2021-02-06 12:23:00

The Country is ruined. The govt had the chance to fix it but instead have kowtowed to fringe groups and the elderly.

So now we have older New Zealanders having all the wealth and still expecting the youth to pay for their superannuation, many have so much money they really don’t even need it.

The whole situation disgusts me.

They know how to fix it but no, keep paying super to people who own 5 houses and benefits to uneducated and unemployed people who have more kids than they know how to look after properly or even pay for.


lakeview3 - 2021-02-06 12:37:00
lakeview3 wrote:

The Country is ruined. The govt had the chance to fix it but instead have kowtowed to fringe groups and the elderly.

So now we have older New Zealanders having all the wealth and still expecting the youth to pay for their superannuation, many have so much money they really don’t even need it.

The whole situation disgusts me.

They know how to fix it but no, keep paying super to people who own 5 houses and benefits to uneducated and unemployed people who have more kids than they know how to look after properly or even pay for.


Good, the system works, us boomers have earned it.
Just too many woke snowflakes grizzling.

masturbidder - 2021-02-06 13:51:00
masturbidder wrote:

Good, the system works, us boomers have earned it.
Just too many woke snowflakes grizzling.

you really think that attitude will serve you well?

I am one of the ‘older’ New Zealanders and frankly I am appalled at some other people’s attitudes to the next generations. Who exactly are the snowflakes one would ask in all honesty. It’s not who many think it is.

lakeview3 - 2021-02-06 13:54:00

Greed is a really ugly trait. Especially when it affects other people’s lives detrimentally.

I despair for the world. Look at it. Fuelled by consumption and greed and no regard for fellow humans.

lakeview3 - 2021-02-06 13:58:00
lakeview3 wrote:

Greed is a really ugly trait. Especially when it affects other people’s lives detrimentally.

I despair for the world. Look at it. Fuelled by consumption and greed and no regard for fellow humans.

Laziness and begging for handouts is much worse. Boomers got nothing handed to them on a plate. Certainly never had 2% interest rates. Never been easier than it is now.

pcle - 2021-02-06 14:21:00
lakeview3 wrote:

Greed is a really ugly trait. Especially when it affects other people’s lives detrimentally.

I despair for the world. Look at it. Fuelled by consumption and greed and no regard for fellow humans.

The middle class has been hollowed out by the bankster elite, savings have been hammered in relation to hard assets. Wages have been withered by globalist agendas. Anyone who has invested in property has done so out of necessity, not greed. You continue to blame a symptom and not the main cause.

apollo11 - 2021-02-06 15:40:00
lakeview3 wrote:

Greed is a really ugly trait. Especially when it affects other people’s lives detrimentally.

I despair for the world. Look at it. Fuelled by consumption and greed and no regard for fellow humans.

Greed for other peoples money they have worked for? is that better?
If the young generation want to buy into the property market now, there is nothing stopping them other than a bit of hard work and discipline. the house prices are exactly the same for everyone. Kiwisaver was ultimately what got my Son into his first home, and he's only 23.

heather902 - 2021-02-06 15:50:00
heather902 wrote:

Greed for other peoples money they have worked for? is that better?
If the young generation want to buy into the property market now, there is nothing stopping them other than a bit of hard work and discipline. the house prices are exactly the same for everyone. Kiwisaver was ultimately what got my Son into his first home, and he's only 23.

don’t you mean half his first home? And yes good on him but none of our parents or us had to do that did they? Share a house with another couple.

Good luck when everyone starts having kids.

Also a lot of people didn’t ‘work’ for their capital gain did they? I mean have I worked any harder than I normally would in the last few years to ‘earn’ the extra $300,000 the council is now saying my house is worth? The answer is ‘NO’. It’s all just jacked up BS fuelled on consumption, greed and playing puppet to the top 1%.

Edited by lakeview3 at 4:02 pm, Sat 6 Feb

lakeview3 - 2021-02-06 15:59:00
lakeview3 wrote:

don’t you mean half his first home? And yes good on him but none of our parents or us had to do that did they? Share a house with another couple.

Good luck when everyone starts having kids.

Also a lot of people didn’t ‘work’ for their capital gain did they? I mean have I worked any harder than I normally would in the last few years to ‘earn’ the extra $300,000 the council is now saying my house is worth? The answer is ‘NO’. It’s all just jacked up BS fuelled on consumption, greed and playing puppet to the top 1%.

You have the most negative outlook on everything.
Life changes and evolves, and you either jump on board with that, make the choices you can make and make the most of it.
4 people all have a quarter share in a brand new 5 bedroom, 3 ensuite brick and tile home on its own section in Auckland. And you can only see the negatives... the thing is both couples chose this they could have paid more each to have two separate houses but both would still require flat mates in much smaller houses. Sure it could go tits up, but didn't your relationship? in a home you owned as a couple?

Oh and while you are moaning about your capital gains. most people see that as a bonus, and it will certainly be what my Son is counting on to buy his next house.

heather902 - 2021-02-06 16:12:00
lakeview3 wrote:

Also a lot of people didn’t ‘work’ for their capital gain did they? I mean have I worked any harder than I normally would in the last few years to ‘earn’ the extra $300,000 the council is now saying my house is worth? The answer is ‘NO’. It’s all just jacked up BS fuelled on consumption, greed and playing puppet to the top 1%.

You are one of few people willing to speak that truth lakeview. I appreciate that you do.

mkr_ahearn - 2021-02-06 16:13:00
lakeview3 wrote:

don’t you mean half his first home? And yes good on him but none of our parents or us had to do that did they? Share a house with another couple.

Good luck when everyone starts having kids.

Also a lot of people didn’t ‘work’ for their capital gain did they? I mean have I worked any harder than I normally would in the last few years to ‘earn’ the extra $300,000 the council is now saying my house is worth? The answer is ‘NO’. It’s all just jacked up BS fuelled on consumption, greed and playing puppet to the top 1%.

the council doesn’t dictate the value of your house. What people might pay for it does that.

Edited by sparkychap at 4:35 pm, Sat 6 Feb

sparkychap - 2021-02-06 16:34:00

The whinging village iditols got what that asked for, no Austerity.

It went on like a broken record, nine years of neglect.

Now there behaving like a bunch of spoiled brats who never leant as children that you can't have your cake and eat it as well.

Edited by ian1990 at 4:56 pm, Sat 6 Feb

ian1990 - 2021-02-06 16:43:00
mkr_ahearn wrote:

You are one of few people willing to speak that truth lakeview. I appreciate that you do.

glad it’s not just me who can see it for what it is.

Sadly what I have learnt is the majority of people don’t care. As long as they are OK. But I really do worry for the state of our beautiful country. I have said the same for years. The more you marginalise people, the more you end up with inequality and crime and then eventually mayhem. The police are losing control over in the US and give it another 10 years and we will be the same.

The cost of housing underpins EVERYTHING. Unaffordable housing affects everyone whether they think it does or not.

lakeview3 - 2021-02-06 16:58:00
ian1990 wrote:

The whinging village iditols got what that asked for, no Austerity.

It went on like a broken record, nine years of neglect.

Now there behaving like a bunch of spoiled brats who never leant as children that you can't have your cake and eat it as well.

fact is that 9 years of neglect did happen whether you like it or not. Foreigners were given priority over New Zealanders. Unfortunately the situation we now find ourselves in shows us there is actually NO ONE who is capable of responsibly organising this country for the benefit of the people who actually live work and contribute. They are only interested in kowtowing to the purple haired people who live in their mothers basements or the other outspoken fringe groups, nothing more than lobbyists really, just like the liquor and cigarette industry on the other side.

I was just reading a story on the herald about a family with 4 kids, the mother is 20, homeless and - wonderful news - they have now been given a house to live in. Who the heck he 4 kids and expects everyone else to pick up the tab? I saw the Fakebook comments on the story and the only person who spoke any sense got an absolute pile on. That really sums it up doesn’t it.

I am getting to the point where I don’t care anymore either. That’s what they want isnt it? To divide us all? Make us lose hope? Turn into robots controlled by the elites?

Edited by lakeview3 at 5:10 pm, Sat 6 Feb

lakeview3 - 2021-02-06 17:08:00

I was reading an article last week and a lady was complaining that they couldn't afford to buy in Auckland. Her partner worked but she was at home with her baby and thought it was unfair that she would have to go back to work to afford a house.
Also last week I was working with a lady in her 70s and she was telling me about when her kids were little, she had two at school and a baby. She worked in a laundry and took her baby to work with her, got home and then had a babysitter to watch the kids for a couple of hours before her husband got home and then she went to her other job in the evenings. She still did all the housework, kept the kids fed and kept up with her housework. She is amazing, but she said they were poor and that was the only way they could afford to buy a house.
People like that will always do well, because they work hard instead of complaining about woe is me, they just go do it.

annie17111 - 2021-02-06 17:14:00

those same people that don't work hard, don't save, don't deny themselves, have as many kids as they feel like are also the ones moaning about house prices. i think that probably does switch me off from really caring. as those that do do everything right, in the right order can still buy houses. albeit not easily.

Edited by heather902 at 5:24 pm, Sat 6 Feb

heather902 - 2021-02-06 17:24:00

This message was deleted.

orphic1 - 2021-02-06 17:29:00
annie17111 wrote:

I was reading an article last week and a lady was complaining that they couldn't afford to buy in Auckland. Her partner worked but she was at home with her baby and thought it was unfair that she would have to go back to work to afford a house.
Also last week I was working with a lady in her 70s and she was telling me about when her kids were little, she had two at school and a baby. She worked in a laundry and took her baby to work with her, got home and then had a babysitter to watch the kids for a couple of hours before her husband got home and then she went to her other job in the evenings. She still did all the housework, kept the kids fed and kept up with her housework. She is amazing, but she said they were poor and that was the only way they could afford to buy a house.
People like that will always do well, because they work hard instead of complaining about woe is me, they just go do it.

i know some women who have never worked and not from well off families either. One of them is in my extended family. Kids didn’t turn out too well either. Makes you wonder how they get away with it.

lakeview3 - 2021-02-06 17:29:00
lakeview3 wrote:

i know some women who have never worked and not from well off families either. One of them is in my extended family. Kids didn’t turn out too well either. Makes you wonder how they get away with it.

yes and it sux. But I think this lady is amazing. I know someone that has been unemployed since she was 22 and she turns 40 this year. She has every excuse under the sun why she can't work.

annie17111 - 2021-02-06 17:33:00
Trade Me wrote:

The originally quoted post has been removed.

that is wholly uncalled for. But sadly not surprising, I don’t think I have ever see you comment on a subject unless it’s making a nasty remark about me.

lakeview3 - 2021-02-06 17:53:00
lakeview3 wrote:

that is wholly uncalled for. But sadly not surprising, I don’t think I have ever see you comment on a subject unless it’s making a nasty remark about me.

The difference between you and me is that I live in the real-world.

orphic1 - 2021-02-06 18:13:00
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