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Wifi - Kindle


Hi, out of the blue my Kindle will not log onto Wifi...wont even bring up address tho it picks up all the neighbours addresses. I can log into and download from my daughters wifi. All other devices at home log into it fine.
any suggestions?? I've done all the obvious - rebooted the modem and my Kindle to no avail. TIA

rarogal - 2021-02-06 10:22:00

Devices designed for US market may only be aware of a limited section of both 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. Attend to your wireless access point or router (what you call a modem) and tie to a channel available in US, on 2.4 GHz that is 1 through 11 and see below for 5 GHz channels, avoid DFS channels.

spyware - 2021-02-06 14:33:00

But the OP says it WAS working..

nice_lady - 2021-02-06 14:48:00

My only thought is it could be in airplane mode without you realising the button was clicked. I am pretty sure mine has airplane mode anyway. Can you try add the network name manually for it to try scan for it?

firechick1405 - 2021-02-06 16:15:00
nice_lady wrote:

But the OP says it WAS working..

The ISP supplied router inbuilt access points are set to auto so may choose a channel after boot that is not suitable for some devices. Kindles mot likely only have US jurisdiction radios.

Edited by spyware at 5:00 pm, Sat 6 Feb

spyware - 2021-02-06 16:58:00

Thanks for all the above, have checked airplane mode, also tried to do it manually and scanned it. has been fine for the almost 3 years we have been here so completely out of the blue. Worst scenario...I'll just have to download using someone elses wifi lol!!

rarogal - 2021-02-06 17:43:00

As I stated it's to do with your wifi operating on a channel the Kindle isn't designed for. You need to change the router wifi settings and fix to a channel, i.e., disable the auto setting, that the kindle does recognize, i.e., no DFS channels on 5 GHz, 1 to 11 (NZ use 1 to 13) on 2.4 GHz.

Edited by spyware at 6:23 pm, Sat 6 Feb

spyware - 2021-02-06 18:21:00

Also easy to buy and setup another access point. You can install inSIDDer on a laptop to confirm the channel on which the wifi is operating.

Edited by spyware at 6:40 pm, Sat 6 Feb

spyware - 2021-02-06 18:40:00

Another possibility is that Kindle is 2.4 GHz only, your other devices support 5 GHz and that 2.4 GHz radio in router has failed. Running InSIDDer will confirm this.

Edited by spyware at 6:46 pm, Sat 6 Feb

spyware - 2021-02-06 18:45:00

Thanks spyware...I'll get my daughter onto that...this old girl lacks anything more than basic knowledge.

rarogal - 2021-02-06 20:42:00

"Kindles mot likely only have US jurisdiction radios.".. Maybe but unlikely ad they're sold internationally and this would be a common issue if that was the case.

nice_lady - 2021-02-06 21:17:00

Find the specs then, FCC dictate that they can't run International spec if sold in US so I doubt they have ability to work on all channels, from the specs I found they look to be 2.4 GHz only.

spyware - 2021-02-07 17:59:00

That doesn't explain why it was working ok before but not now.

nice_lady - 2021-02-07 18:32:00

If the router channel selector is set to auto and the router reboots then it may choose channel 12 or 13. That's what auto channel setting does, in theory selects an interference free channel.

Most likely though 2.4 GHz radio in router has failed.

Without evidence of whether 2.4 GHz radio is working on any channel I can only guess at the only two possibilities.

Edited by spyware at 8:40 pm, Sun 7 Feb

spyware - 2021-02-07 20:39:00
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