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Microsoft Edge


Microsoft seem unrelenting in pushing to go to Edge Are there any advantages or disadvantages to going to this Thanks

gazzat22 - 2021-02-03 11:21:00

Personal preference. It's built on Chromuim (browsers rendering engine) like Google Chrome. It's not 'bad' but all depends on what you want.
Personally I use Firefox, but it's different strokes for different folks so all depends on what you like.

rowdog7 - 2021-02-03 12:00:00

They (MS) keep telling me it is faster/safer/better in all ways than IE and all my settings etc transfer over but they,re a bit like politicians IMO.

gazzat22 - 2021-02-03 12:42:00

IE is being retired.
You do however have a choice of HEAPS of other browsers and you can entrey ignore Edge off you want.

nice_lady - 2021-02-03 14:08:00

I find its best to go with who your online accounts are with.
If you've got google accounts (gmail) chrome integrates best.
If you've got an Microsoft account (onedrive,, or office subscription) then use edge, as its ties in best with those.

I expect that will continue to be the case as they all find devious ways to undermine each others market share without being openly hostile about it.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-02-03 14:54:00
gazzat22 wrote:

They (MS) keep telling me it is faster/safer/better in all ways than IE and all my settings etc transfer over but they,re a bit like politicians IMO.

A pencil and paper is better and more reliable than IE.

sw20 - 2021-02-03 18:33:00
gazzat22 wrote:

They (MS) keep telling me it is faster/safer/better in all ways than IE and all my settings etc transfer over but they,re a bit like politicians IMO.

Its a simple statement of fact. It is faster and better than IE, absolutely no question, by any technical or functional metric you care to name.

If its like a politician then its like a politician that has been forced to swallow a rat, admitting that they were beaten. It isn't their codebase.

ronaldo8 - 2021-02-03 18:43:00

IE is end of life and is being phased out, so Microsoft is pushing Edge as its replacement

I had been using Firefox for ages, but started having issues with YouTube, so tried Edge and found it good. Transferred all my favourites/bookmarks over from Firefox without any problems. Even use the addons/extensions from Firefox.

Suggest you try it to see if you like it. If not try Firefox, or another browser until you find one you like.

If using Windows 10, make sure you download the new Edge. It has a nice greeny/blue icon.

sparkyz - 2021-02-03 21:53:00

Thanks all will give edge a go just dont like feeling bullied/forced ..Cheers

gazzat22 - 2021-02-03 22:04:00

I prefer Chrome, so I agree with gazzat22. Edge is unrelenting. I kept ignoring updates to the point that it wouldn't let me anymore. I had to accept Edge updates. It has slowed down my computer. My only option is to take Edge out altogether, and after looking at how to do it, will be a mission.

dee238 - 2021-02-04 21:09:00

Check Win10: Start > settings > system > notifications. I have most everything turned off and I receive next to zero notifications from Windows. The only notifications I receive are from autoplay, Windows Security and occasionally programs.

event_horizon_1 - 2021-02-04 21:24:00

It is okay for browsing, but a lot of older Web apps won't recognise it, it won't open a new tab with your home page (I like to open Google on new tabs).

emmerson1 - 2021-02-04 22:28:00
emmerson1 wrote:

It is okay for browsing, but a lot of older Web apps won't recognise it, it won't open a new tab with your home page (I like to open Google on new tabs).

Set google as your default search engine and functionally that's exactly what you will get. The new tab will have the word microsoft written on it, or is the issue that you need to see the google logo ?

ronaldo8 - 2021-02-04 23:45:00
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