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Flat compared to dungeon


I'd be more concerned it was up to code in terms of fire and earthquake rather than the level of darkness.

sweetgurl108 - 2021-02-02 20:41:00

Oh dear, better not go to London, New York etc. They'd never cope with the basement flats (many in desirable areas like Chelsea etc there where the window looks out onto the basement level and has filtered light from glass brick type paving and not even to the light at round level.

Can't say the blue plastic adds anything to the ambience and LL should do some thing about this.

Yes being up to code and up to speed with heating and insulation are greater concerns.

Mind you I would not like to live there and neither would I/did I like the London sort. There was a bit of a price differential between the basement ones and the ground floor ones. If you were lucky sometimes the basement flat had access to part of the garden at the back so it had two windows that had light. But people adapt.

shanreagh - 2021-02-02 22:08:00

Only $495pw! What a bargain. And soon to be HH compliant.
Better get in quick before the rent goes to $600pw.

pcle - 2021-02-03 07:51:00
shanreagh wrote:

Oh dear, better not go to London, New York etc. They'd never cope with the basement flats (many in desirable areas like Chelsea etc there where the window looks out onto the basement level and has filtered light from glass brick type paving and not even to the light at round level.

Can't say the blue plastic adds anything to the ambience and LL should do some thing about this.

Yes being up to code and up to speed with heating and insulation are greater concerns.

Mind you I would not like to live there and neither would I/did I like the London sort. There was a bit of a price differential between the basement ones and the ground floor ones. If you were lucky sometimes the basement flat had access to part of the garden at the back so it had two windows that had light. But people adapt.

Sure, but Jessie St in Wellington is hardly Chelsea in London.
Personally, the underground bit didn't worry me, but the business of having to go outside your apartment up to another level just to use the loo was a bit beyond.'s another (or the original?) description from a prospective tenant who viewed it:

luteba - 2021-02-03 13:51:00
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