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prewashing linen fabric for loose covers


Anyone done this successfully? A 5% shrinkage was suggested but the fabric is expensive and I want to get it right! Also drying procedure?

sally63 - 2021-01-30 13:08:00

This is what i do

1 soak over night in cold water - this loosens the dressing

2 soak overnight or day in warm water

3 wash on gentle wash with gentle washing nothing with lighteners or enzymes

4 spin on medium spin (not high spin as you will get wrinkles for Africa)

5 hang out on line pinning several times along the selvedges looping from several lines (the aim is to make sure that the fabric hangs down straight not all loopy as it would if clothes pegged with a couple of pegs. Gently pull the fabric straight as you go. The selvedges are the strongest part of the fabric and you will cut these off in most cases.

6 Bring the fabric in before it gets crispy dry, slightly damp is good.

7 Iron to get any remaining wrinkles out. Even though the fabric is damp I mostly still use a steam iron at this stage.

8 put on clothes airier to air.

While making up iron frequently
before you cut, every seam etc.

The things that exacerbate shrinkage are hot water and harsh spinning. Also drying in a drier can make a baby-size of many items!

Don't omit the soaking steps as this gets rid of the dressing on the fabric. If you don't do this and launch straight into a wash you might find streaky bits where the powder has not been able to loosen the dressing.

shanreagh - 2021-01-30 13:53:00

Thank you! Very comprehensive and helpful. I guess I will have to do most of this in the bath, being 14m, then take to the laundromat wet. Sounds fraught! It is over a grand's worth of fabric so need to get it right. I am worried about water stains. I am not worried if it is a bit wrinkly as want that slightly rumpled look. Can you recommend a good washing powder please?

Edited by sally63 at 2:14 pm, Sat 30 Jan

sally63 - 2021-01-30 14:12:00

I would measure and cut a test piece or two and doing your own testing...

oh_hunnihunni - 2021-01-30 14:36:00

Thanks hunnihinni

sally63 - 2021-01-30 15:09:00
oh_hunnihunni wrote:

I would measure and cut a test piece or two and doing your own testing...

Me too.

I use an eco type brand (liquid) from the Sustainability Trust.

shanreagh - 2021-01-30 20:19:00
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