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How to rid laptop of spilt coffee smell?


A friend recently silt half a cup of coffee on the keyboard of my laptop.
When this happened (2 weeks ago) I quickly picked the computer up turned it upside down and dried it off.
Fortunately it has not affected the performance of the computer because I got rid of it quickly.
I have cleaned everywhere with Simple Green on a soft cloth but the smell remains.
Any ideas how to get rid of the smell?

beachboy61 - 2021-01-29 19:58:00

Leave it outside in the breeze?

tygertung - 2021-01-29 20:46:00

Trouble is the water evaporates and leaves the coffee and sugar behind, then it becomes sticky so you might be in for a new keyboard yet.

muppet_slayer - 2021-01-29 20:53:00

Works for iPads. Should work for laptops.
But if you remove the keyboard you could try washing it. There was a YouTube on someone putting keyboards in a dishwasher and he was surprised that they got clean and still worked.
But I would try some mild detergent and water with a suitable brush. And remove keyboard from the laptop first.
I’ve often stripped electrical and electronics and washed and dried them. But then I was trained to do that.

Edited by macman26 at 2:49 am, Sat 30 Jan

macman26 - 2021-01-30 02:40:00
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