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CPU Upgrade - worth it?


Present CPU is P3258 dual core 3.2Ghz. Will I notice any improvement by upgrading to an i5 4570 3.3Ghz?
System is Win 10, 4Gb, SSD. Non gaming.
Advice please.

hazelthecat - 2021-01-29 19:03:00

are you sure it's not 'G' 3258 3.2ghz Pentium? And the other an i5 4570 3.2ghz? That's what I get when I google them.

If it is what I have written the pentium has 2 cores and 2 threads, while the i5 has 4 cores and 4 threads which is far better for doing multiple tasks at once.

muppet_slayer - 2021-01-29 20:30:00

Assuming your motherboard can take the i5 maybe you could do a Google and check benchmark comparisons.

Edited by nice_lady at 8:35 pm, Fri 29 Jan

nice_lady - 2021-01-29 20:34:00

I'd say yes, the I5 has to be at least twice as quick as the pentium - although, if all you do is write emails all day then you might not notice it...

Edited by king1 at 9:02 pm, Fri 29 Jan

king1 - 2021-01-29 21:01:00

Rough guess processors should be compatible as same socket 1150 and bout the same production date (the G3258 is a year newer). I would probably go up from 4Gb ram 1st?

acura - 2021-01-30 00:06:00
hazelthecat wrote:

Present CPU is P3258 dual core 3.2Ghz. Will I notice any improvement by upgrading to an i5 4570 3.3Ghz?
System is Win 10, 4Gb, SSD. Non gaming.
Advice please.,4312.html

Ranked from bets to worst. Compare here.
Unless you're jumping several levels, then no.
And unless you use some software that needs it, then no.

lythande1 - 2021-01-30 07:55:00

Thank you all
Yes, I meant G3258. The m/b can take the i5 according to the manual but given your comments and the fact that my main usages are Office, mail and simple photo scanning/editing I will save my money and stick with the status quo.

hazelthecat - 2021-01-30 09:45:00

chuck a bit more ram into it that'll be cheap and effective

nice_lady - 2021-01-30 14:40:00

I've got two computers with Intel Celeron G1610 CPUs and they are lightning fast with Linux on them.

Your CPU is considerably faster then the Celeron CPU I am using.

Windows advocates say that Windows is even better than Linux, so there should be absolutely no reason to upgrade your CPU if you want a very fast computer. It should already be VERY fast.

tygertung - 2021-01-30 18:58:00

To answer the question, I would say no.

The replacement i5 is not new either, but if you went for a new 10th Gen Intel i5 then you need a new motherboard and the cost blows out a bit. I assume you are looking for a second hand one for around $50 in a computer that is worth maybe $150.

As others have said, if you are wanting to boost speed a bit as your computer feels slow, then just buy another 4 or 8GB of RAM. The speed increase from that will be much more noticeable.

Or bite the bullet and by a new motherboard, newish i5 and 16GB of ram to get a much faster upgrade.

gblack - 2021-01-31 08:45:00

Those G3258's are quite overclockable with the right motherboard. Perhaps some extra ram and a modest overclock might be all that's required.

namtak - 2021-01-31 10:03:00

Thanks to all you wizzes
Based on your advice I will stay with what I have. My upgrade dream was based on the manual which stated the m/b can take 4th gen i3/i5 but it seems RAM is the cheapest upgrade.
Not interested in Linux as this old dog has used up new tricks.

hazelthecat - 2021-01-31 11:50:00

The motherboard manufacturers website is the best place for compatibility checks - sort of the 1st place you should check. can also be useful specially for old stuff - just plug in your mainboard model and it throws up what other uses have tested that model with.

acura - 2021-01-31 12:46:00
hazelthecat wrote:

Thanks to all you wizzes
Based on your advice I will stay with what I have. My upgrade dream was based on the manual which stated the m/b can take 4th gen i3/i5 but it seems RAM is the cheapest upgrade.
Not interested in Linux as this old dog has used up new tricks.

Well you are in luck, because according to Windows advocates (of which there are no end of on this board), Windows is even better than Linux, so according to them, there would be no advantage to changing to Linux.

If one mentions Linux, they are immediately called a "Linux fanboy" and discredited.

tygertung - 2021-01-31 17:57:00

I mean, the first operating system market share website I opened just now had Windows at 87.56%, Mac OS at 9.5% and Linux at 2.3%.

Lets be honest, Linux isn't anything more than a hobby operating system so people like you can compare themselves to people that are using normal mainstream operating systems like Windows and convince themselves that they are technically superior because they use it.

Your schtick is tired, and it is getting boring to constantly read.

cube_guy - 2021-01-31 18:19:00
hazelthecat wrote:

Present CPU is P3258 dual core 3.2Ghz. Will I notice any improvement by upgrading to an i5 4570 3.3Ghz?
System is Win 10, 4Gb, SSD. Non gaming.
Advice please.

I've gotta agree with the others. You probably would notice an improvement, but I don't think it would be enough to be worth the trouble. You might be able to just swap a new CPU in, but might end up having to do a full windows reinstall and that would be a pain in the ass.

Since you already have an SSD, throw another 4-8gigs of ram in it, that would probably make a noticable difference, and is really quick and easy.

ira78 - 2021-02-01 06:49:00
cube_guy wrote:

I mean, the first operating system market share website I opened just now had Windows at 87.56%, Mac OS at 9.5% and Linux at 2.3%.

Lets be honest, Linux isn't anything more than a hobby operating system so people like you can compare themselves to people that are using normal mainstream operating systems like Windows and convince themselves that they are technically superior because they use it.

Your schtick is tired, and it is getting boring to constantly read.

Rest assured, Windows advocates know that Windows is superior, so there will be no need to change your operating system to Linux.

Please note that for many computers however, Windows is not used. It may have a dominance on the desktop PC market.

Feel free to continue your Windows advocacy.

tygertung - 2021-02-01 07:52:00
tygertung wrote:

Rest assured, Windows advocates know that Windows is superior, so there will be no need to change your operating system to Linux.

Oh really? OMG thank you so much. And I was just about to as well!!

cube_guy - 2021-02-01 08:22:00
tygertung wrote:

Rest assured, Windows advocates know that Windows is superior, so there will be no need to change your operating system to Linux.

Please note that for many computers however, Windows is not used. It may have a dominance on the desktop PC market.

Feel free to continue your Windows advocacy.

you know, you really suck at selling linux - you're like a 3rd rate salesman whose only strategy is to attack the competition... or maybe you're just trolling?

king1 - 2021-02-01 08:39:00
tygertung wrote:

Rest assured, Windows advocates know that Windows is superior, so there will be no need to change your operating system to Linux.

Please note that for many computers however, Windows is not used. It may have a dominance on the desktop PC market.

Feel free to continue your Windows advocacy.

I'm sure I don't need your permission. But I don't advocate for anything particular. I just use what I prefer. I *might* advise people to use Windows because *it just works*, (well mostly anyway). As opposed to some 'other' non mainstream 'odd' Operating systems (a little trolling here !). But that's only because if they're already having troubles then I feel that generally it won't be improved by them having to learn a new Os.

nice_lady - 2021-02-01 08:45:00
ira78 wrote:

I've gotta agree with the others. You probably would notice an improvement, but I don't think it would be enough to be worth the trouble. You might be able to just swap a new CPU in, but might end up having to do a full windows reinstall and that would be a pain in the ass.

Since you already have an SSD, throw another 4-8gigs of ram in it, that would probably make a noticable difference, and is really quick and easy.

Full reinstall for a CPU swap? That's unlikely. .

namtak - 2021-02-01 10:25:00

Yeah. Unlikely.

nice_lady - 2021-02-01 10:49:00
king1 wrote:

you know, you really suck at selling linux - you're like a 3rd rate salesman whose only strategy is to attack the competition... or maybe you're just trolling?

IMO if you follow his posts over the message board, he's just a two bit troll.

sw20 - 2021-02-01 10:54:00
king1 wrote:

you know, you really suck at selling linux - you're like a 3rd rate salesman whose only strategy is to attack the competition... or maybe you're just trolling?

I'm not selling anything and I'm not attacking anyone. It is the Windows advocates which seem to be the most defensive/aggressive, and feel the need to rubbish any other operating systems than Windows.

As Windows advocates are keen to tell anyone that Windows is the best, I don't see what the problem is.

Windows is the most popular for desktop computers, but for other applications it is less popular.

Windows is less popular for mobile devices:

"In the personal computing platform area of smartphones and watches, Google's Android dominates with over 2.5 billion users.[4][5] Other mobile phone operating systems include Apple's iOS, KaiOS and Series 30+"

Or more serious computing:

"For public Internet servers, Linux is generally counted as dominant, powering well over twice the number of hosts as Windows Server – which is trailed by many smaller players including traditional mainframe OSes.

The supercomputer field is completely dominated by Linux – with 100% of the TOP500 now running on this OS, since November 2017. "

So yes, Windows is more mainstream for desktop computing, and less popular for other computing.

tygertung - 2021-02-01 10:59:00

Windows is less popular for mobile devices. Yes, and Linux is less popular for washing machines.

Edited by cube_guy at 11:27 am, Mon 1 Feb

cube_guy - 2021-02-01 11:27:00
tygertung wrote:

Well you are in luck, because according to Windows advocates (of which there are no end of on this board), Windows is even better than Linux, so according to them, there would be no advantage to changing to Linux.

If one mentions Linux, they are immediately called a "Linux fanboy" and discredited.

You are the kind of fanbois any community can do without, you do Linux advocacy no favours. Instead of talking about where and in what scenarios linux is a better choice ( which would require knowing, you appear to be largely ignorant on the matter) you bag windows and its users. Way to go, what convincing and compelling rhetoric. I run 3 linux systems along with several windows machines, horses for courses. You one shoe fits all try hards, from any camp, are simply full of it, an OS has become a matter of identity and image ..pathetic.

ronaldo8 - 2021-02-01 13:05:00
ronaldo8 wrote:

You are the kind of fanbois any community can do without, you do Linux advocacy no favours. Instead of talking about where and in what scenarios linux is a better choice ( which would require knowing, you appear to be largely ignorant on the matter) you bag windows and its users. Way to go, what convincing and compelling rhetoric. I run 3 linux systems along with several windows machines, horses for courses. You one shoe fits all try hards, from any camp, are simply full of it, an OS has become a matter of identity and image ..pathetic.

I'm just a user of Windows and Linux. I use both systems.

Windows is most popular for desktop use.

I often use Linux as it is easier to get good free software for specialist applications and I prefer the open source model.

I do not feel the need to resort to name calling. I do not bag Windows and its users. I wish to concede that Windows is more popular for Desktop use, and that Windows advocates are convinced that it is better.

I stated that I have two machines of the same vintage with slower CPUs which achieve excellent performance with Linux, and seeing as the original poster is running Windows, that the performance should be even better, as according to Windows advocates, the performance of Windows is even better than Linux.

tygertung - 2021-02-01 13:23:00

Right, butter wouldnt melt...go reread your posts

ronaldo8 - 2021-02-01 13:29:00

LOL at tygertung who came straight in and started attacking "windows advocates". Must be quite lonely in your camp :)

muppet_slayer - 2021-02-01 13:55:00

If you find the term "Windows advocates" offensive, what would you prefer?

tygertung - 2021-02-01 14:03:00

So having come out swinging and receiving a well deserved slapping the momentarily bold little scrapper from team Linux Ra Ra Ra ducks and covers behind his semantic pinny, hiding behind words. The pedants retreat, sticking to the formal detail used while deliberately ignoring the quite deliberate intent and message conveyed. Very unlikeable and frankly, cowardly.

ronaldo8 - 2021-02-01 14:31:00

Just as a point of reference. The OP was asking about a hardware upgrade and the performance they may reasonably expect from that, not some stupid, puerile and irrelevant side show of my OS is bigger than your OS epeen knobbery.

ronaldo8 - 2021-02-01 14:36:00
tygertung wrote:

If you find the term "Windows advocates" offensive, what would you prefer?

If you want to call me a "Windows advocate" so be it. I use Windows, have done for years, know it fairly well and will never confess to being a Linux user, because I aren't. What I do have a problem is your subtle digs, insinuations about me being a Windows know all and the overall smarmy tone of your posts. It would make more sense in thinking that English isn't your first language and maybe that the tones of your posts are accidental, but I think you know EXACTLY what you are typing.

cube_guy - 2021-02-01 14:41:00
namtak wrote:

Full reinstall for a CPU swap? That's unlikely. .

I have done 3 or 4 CPU swaps this year with Windows 10 machines, and have never been asked to reactivate, let alone reinstall.

cube_guy - 2021-02-01 14:42:00
tygertung wrote:

If you find the term "Windows advocates" offensive, what would you prefer?

As already stated, it's the 'tone' and insinuating in your posts that is offensive. I am a computer user. I choose what OS I use, you don't! I have tried both OS's and I prefer windows 10 for my day to day use.

muppet_slayer - 2021-02-01 15:39:00

And I suggested that I am using a similar CPU on Linux and it is very fast. As Windows users are so quick to point out, Windows is superior to Linux, so it should be faster running Windows.

I don't have Windows 10 installed on any of those machines, so I can't compare, although I do have Windows 7 on one, duel booting and it runs pretty fast.

Is Windows 10 just as good as Windows 7? I am not going to install it, because the USB audio interfaces I use are no longer supported under Windows 10, also I would probably have to buy it, as I only have a license key for Windows 7, or XP.

tygertung - 2021-02-01 16:03:00
tygertung wrote:

As Windows users are so quick to point out, Windows is superior to Linux, so it should be faster running Windows.

Where might I see one of these claims? More popular, yes. Bigger market share, yes. Easier for the majority of people to use, yes. But I don't recall anyone making claims that Windows is a superior product.

Edited by king1 at 4:16 pm, Mon 1 Feb

king1 - 2021-02-01 16:12:00
tygertung wrote:

And I suggested that I am using a similar CPU on Linux and it is very fast. As Windows users are so quick to point out, Windows is superior to Linux, so it should be faster running Windows.

It might be superior to linux in other areas not just simply opening windows. Your idea of very fast might seem slow to others. The linux distros I have tried the speed difference is negligible. Not worth switching. Good for a play around but I always keep settling with windows 10. You don't see me pushing my preferred OS onto others like a stuck record.

Edited by muppet_slayer at 4:26 pm, Mon 1 Feb

muppet_slayer - 2021-02-01 16:25:00
muppet_slayer wrote:

It might be superior to linux in other areas not just simply opening windows. Your idea of very fast might seem slow to others.

yep, I would have thought security, features, ease of use and many other factors would count towards 'superior'.

Might be the 15 year old hardware that explains this fixation with how fast it is...

Edited by king1 at 5:05 pm, Mon 1 Feb

king1 - 2021-02-01 17:05:00

Could the linux vs windows people please stop crapping on this thread?

I had 2 SFF PCs, 4th gen Intel - one was an i5 and one was a Pentium so it's pretty much identical to your situation. Both with SSDs, 8gb of RAM and Windows 10. The i5 was quicker and when I found another i5 CPU for $40 I jumped at the chance to replace the Pentium.

In your case however I think more RAM would make a bigger difference.

I never needed to reinstall windows when swapping CPUs on the same motherboard.

One is still in use as a Minecraft server, the other one I ripped out the SSD and put it in a 9th Gen i5 - still didn't need to reinstall windows :D. Now it just sits in a cupboard with no OS or drive.

stevexc - 2021-02-01 17:59:00

Wow - all asked was if a CPU upgrade is worth it!!

hazelthecat - 2021-02-01 18:05:00
hazelthecat wrote:

Wow - all asked was if a CPU upgrade is worth it!!

Edited by king1 at 6:35 pm, Mon 1 Feb

king1 - 2021-02-01 18:35:00
stevexc wrote:

Could the linux vs windows people please stop crapping on this thread?

we're gonna do intel vs Ryzen next, just for you...

Edited by king1 at 6:36 pm, Mon 1 Feb

king1 - 2021-02-01 18:36:00

Ford vs...

acura - 2021-02-01 18:40:00
hazelthecat wrote:

Wow - all asked was if a CPU upgrade is worth it!!

I shouldn't have thought so, it should already be pretty fast and if it isn't, you might just need to do a fresh install.

tygertung - 2021-02-01 19:00:00
tygertung wrote:

I shouldn't have thought so, it should already be pretty fast and if it isn't, you might just need to do a fresh install.

you should really stop giving advice if that's the best you can do...

king1 - 2021-02-01 19:19:00
king1 wrote:

you should really stop giving advice if that's the best you can do...

OK Mr Personal Attack.

tygertung - 2021-02-01 19:44:00

Personally I never recommend a 'fresh install' theres no need if the system has a little TLC on occasion.

nice_lady - 2021-02-01 19:52:00
tygertung wrote:

OK Mr Personal Attack.

I'm sorry you're offended by that, but telling someone whom you know nothing about, or their capabilities, to do a fresh install simply because a PC is slow, is a recipe for someone inadvertently formatting a drive and losing all their data.

There is plenty of other diagnostics and troubleshooting that could be done first before any need for fresh installs.

king1 - 2021-02-01 20:42:00
hazelthecat wrote:

Wow - all asked was if a CPU upgrade is worth it!!

Wow! You have to be so careful how you word things these days.

namtak - 2021-02-01 23:18:00
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