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New laptop for Yr 12 recommendations


Hi, are these 2 reasonable options for our son who needs a new laptop for the coming year, I took on board someone saying Asus brand were good??

Edited by flange9 at 10:26 pm, Wed 27 Jan

flange9 - 2021-01-27 22:26:00

Asus are good. However I did have an issue with a Zenbook purchased a few years ago which the hinge broke and caused serious failure.

If you post a budget AND the general requirements of the boys school needs.......what subjects and activities he might be going to be doing on the device.........

And check a few reviews:

nice_lady - 2021-01-27 22:32:00

Prefer something under $1400, mostly school work on it, photo shop, no gaming though

flange9 - 2021-01-27 22:44:00

At y12 the subjects are very important as asked about above. If they are doing design or photography the demands are higher than say English, History or Accounting etc. School work is too generalised, like saying office work.

And also schools minimum specs and guidelines are important as how each school chooses to use byod varies vastly. Can be little things like advising min +5hr batter life as charging facilities are a problem, or other requirements such as DDs school strongly requested devices with fully active pen input so could be used in science and maths for diagrams etc. Some schools pretty much don't use for much more than research and writing awwignme ts so demands are much less.

It's not so much a brand as machine within most brands. Almost all the big brands have a budget range right up to more robust business machines. Eg Lenovo do some very budget entry level devices for a budget price right thru to their business grade thinkpads (not to be confused with consumer grade ideapads) then they other devices for gaming under the Legion brand.

dinx - 2021-02-01 01:20:00

Ps, they may not actually need as high spec as the teen may have requested. I know it's very common for kids to be generous with the truth about what they need to get what they want lol.

Having a teen who is now heading to uni with a device that is now 4 years old and going strong but is was a very considered purchase after early 4 years with a chrome book prior to that. The longer the chrome lasted, the deal with us the better the next one was lol. They had an i7, 256gb storage and 8gb ram too which was very overkill but at the time was a special offer cheaper than a lower spec model we were considering.

Personally I would stay stay with a smaller screen 14inch etc unless there is a special need because its incredibly easy to knock a device off very small desks in a classroom environment. Can use a bigger external screen at home if needed.

dinx - 2021-02-01 01:34:00

Big screens are a pain to lug around. The smaller the better, and the youth's eyes shouldn't be worn out yet.

tygertung - 2021-02-01 07:53:00

If you wanted a dell, instead of noel leeming I'd recommend getting it direct from newer models, and a quick search found same spec inspirons were cheaper.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-02-01 08:59:00
tygertung wrote:

Big screens are a pain to lug around. The smaller the better, and the youth's eyes shouldn't be worn out yet.

It's not a case of worn out, some kids wear glasses as a toddler. DD has a dbl astigmatism and her eyes can get tired even when she wears her reading glasses that had the correction but only 0.5 magnification especially if doing lots of reading at high school age.

dinx - 2021-02-06 18:37:00
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