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Wi Fi Extenders.


Which are the simplest to install without too much "Faffing" around ? I,m told I should have one as my TV (old) with a Smart VU dongle is too far away from my router.Thks

gazzat22 - 2021-01-15 13:05:00

I had a client just the other day that was told that by the Vodafone TV installer, router was literally three meters away behind the wall - go figure...

anyways, I tend to use TP link, seem to work ok - if you set up initially using the WPS connection method it sets it up using the same configuration as the original wifi. makes it easy peasy...

king1 - 2021-01-15 13:37:00

Yep.Leaning to eitherTP link or NetGear..My router is about 20 meters away thru 4 walls.I only got the dongle so her indoors could watch the cricket on Spark which sometimes wouldnt connect,then it would??.Dish TV said it was a bit too far away so might need an extender.Thanks

gazzat22 - 2021-01-15 14:27:00
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