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Nice lady, roll your eyes :)


It's me again. You know I have a new laptop and all is well......except....
whenever I use it and start up after even a short spell away from it, this screen comes up with awesome nature pictures....but...... it gets a bit boring to see the same ones again and again. Is there a way I can have it open up with the bar at the tops witch open my emails, bank, facebook etc.?

omaria - 2021-01-13 07:39:00

*Rolls eyes as requested* Lol

Ah first question:
When you say you 'start it up' have you actually shut it down or is it just going to sleep or what ?

My suggestion, and it's what I do personally, is to HIBERNATE the computer when you go away from it. That shuts it down completely but in a special way so that whatever you had on the screen at the time you hibernated it will appear exactly as it was when you later restart it. Thus if you have a web page open with your bank links and etc on it when you hibernate it then that'll appear exactly the same when you restart it.

oh and also - hibernate - will mean the computer restarts much quicker than it would if you'd shut it down 'normally'. Note: this is different to 'sleep' mode which actually does not shut the computer off entirely at all it merely puts it into - well - sleep.

Interesting info in some of these links:

Edited by nice_lady at 8:23 am, Wed 13 Jan

nice_lady - 2021-01-13 08:19:00

Disable the screensaver then, that's what the pics are.

lythande1 - 2021-01-13 08:29:00

also start/settings/personalisation-
might be of some help - it will enable you to 'change the boring pictures' but won't put up a start webpage with the links on it as you want. That IS possible but easier indeed if you simply have that page up prior to shutting the computer down and you use Hibernate to shut it off. Then whatever you have onscreen at shutdown will re-appear when you start it up - and that means ANYthing at all.

nice_lady - 2021-01-13 08:38:00

Its when I walked away to get busy and come back to it, have to put my password in again and those pictures come up. I click on the round 3 colour icon at the bottom and my 'bar' comes up with my bank, emails, messenger etc. Hibernate I cant find in settings. (feel proud I found the settings button lol)

Edited by omaria at 9:09 am, Wed 13 Jan

omaria - 2021-01-13 09:08:00

What's happening is your computer is going into sleep mode. You can turn off the requirement for a password if you wish.

"Open Settings app by clicking its icon in Start menu or pressing Windows logo + I keyboard shortcut. Click on Accounts. Click Sign-in options in the left hand side, and then select Never for the “Require sign-in” option if you want to stop Windows 10 from asking for password after it wakes up from sleep"

The pictures will disappear when you move the mouse or clik it. As for the 'round 3 colour icon' that's the icon for Google Chrome. If your computer goes to sleep and you have a web page up on the screen it will still be there when you go back to the computer.

To hibernate it just right click one time on the start button - you'll see a menu. Use hibernate if you actually want to shut the computer off - say at night or if you go out or whatever. It will take a little longer to start up than sleep mode.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:52 am, Wed 13 Jan

nice_lady - 2021-01-13 09:42:00

Some extra help for you:


Edited by nice_lady at 9:48 am, Wed 13 Jan

nice_lady - 2021-01-13 09:47:00
nice_lady wrote:

Some extra help for you:


pretty much. there seems however no "take the computer back to where you bought it" option

illusion_ - 2021-01-13 11:09:00

Why would I take the computer back? Its working fine, I just need to figure out its operation. I am the problem not the computer lol.

omaria - 2021-01-13 11:44:00

Some extra help for you:


Thank you, i have send it to my kids and they feel relieved LOLOL

omaria - 2021-01-13 11:45:00
lythande1 wrote:

Disable the screensaver then, that's what the pics are.

No its not the screensaver, its the lock screen.

ronaldo8 - 2021-01-13 12:20:00

Go to settings use the search box to search "lock screen" and adjust as required. You may need to do some reading to understand the options presented.

ronaldo8 - 2021-01-13 12:23:00

If you want to simply disable the lock screen go to control panel/power options/choose what the power buttons do/change settings that are currently unavailable/ and untick the lock box under shutdown settings. Don't forget to click 'save changes'.

muppet_slayer - 2021-01-13 21:06:00

mercy buckets everyone, as always very helpful

omaria - 2021-01-13 21:50:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-01-14 13:15:00

If you enter alt ctrl del the password box comes up faster.

tygertung - 2021-01-14 18:38:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-01-14 19:55:00
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