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Instagram security


We are asking this question re a problem with a young person within our family that is supposed to have only one account, we have now found there is another account in there name, can we legally look at this account as parents. We don’t want to get the person who told us into trouble with them, as they will not tell them anything else that may concern them.
BETTER if parents say they have found it. Really concerned with some of the stuff they are seeing etc. They are only 14 years old and very sensitive... please help us if you can.

islandbreeze - 2021-01-12 09:15:00

Unless it's secured then it's an open account and you can look at it just as anyone else can.

If it's secured that'll be a very different thing. And you'd need some correct, legal even, advice about that not just some randomness in a message board.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:36 am, Tue 12 Jan

nice_lady - 2021-01-12 09:35:00

Thankyou we are concerned it’s secured. We know we need to talk about this just don’t want their confident to be involved or they won’t to with them and this is si important to us .... Just thought if the parents could say the found this themselves would be the best course of action....

islandbreeze - 2021-01-12 10:17:00

Possibly but how believable will that be ?
Teens are suspicious of the oldies quite often - and if they're hiding stuff they'll be doubly so. You say you are 'concerned it's secured' do you KNOW ? If not go and have a look - if you're lucky it'll be open to view.

nice_lady - 2021-01-12 10:19:00

I'd say it would be difficult if not impossible to check up on if secure . Maybe you should contact netsafe and ask them they're the experts

Edited by nice_lady at 10:21 am, Tue 12 Jan

nice_lady - 2021-01-12 10:20:00
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