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Mirror my TM listings on a website


Is there a way to auto mirror my own TM listings on my website
Not needing editing of course but simply to mirror what I am listing on TM to my website

mrfxit - 2021-01-09 08:04:00

i imagine you would have to sign up for the API access to TM
and have hunt through the API reference

for example this could be used to obtain your listings by filtering only your own

king1 - 2021-01-09 08:26:00

another option is to use something like winhttrack to scrape your TM listings page and use that in the website. probably against the TM Ts & Cs ...
either option will require some coding though

king1 - 2021-01-09 08:51:00

Or use one the listing management tools?

Maybe ask on the Trade Me Seller Blog or Trade Me Top Sellers boards.

soundsgood - 2021-01-09 08:56:00

If you are selling one-off items, you shouldn’t list them anywhere else if you have them on Trade Me.

cosimo - 2021-01-09 08:57:00

Wouldn't be selling them via the website but simply a true mirror of those live listings as an advertising mirror.
I have had the specific spare website for a few years but haven't the time to run it on it's own merits.

mrfxit - 2021-01-09 09:15:00

Mmmmm, Tardeme did it/ Bidbud does it/ Tradevine does it but TM tell me they can't do it.
In basic terms, it's the same access to TM that the others have but limited to a specific traders account & with no editing tools.
Display/ auto update API only.
When someone clicks on an item on that viewing page, it takes them directly to TM.
The page would be the same as TMs listings for that trader only

mrfxit - 2021-01-11 11:50:00
king1 wrote:

i imagine you would have to sign up for the API access to TM
and have hunt through the API reference

for example this could be used to obtain your listings by filtering only your own

Mmmm something along these lines maybe

mrfxit - 2021-01-11 11:57:00

might be of interest also

king1 - 2021-01-11 13:06:00
king1 wrote:

might be of interest also

Contacted Andrew at Bidbud & he said said he can do it but doesn't have time but did put me on to another TM API programmer who may have time.

mrfxit - 2021-01-12 08:16:00
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