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Creating a wifi link for internet sharing


Hi All,

I am looking at an option to share internet with my neighbor. I cant quite catch their WiFi signal that well, also I want to have a router on my end that I can plug in my wired devices etc.

I am trying to figure out what devices I need to be able to do this. I need something that I can plug into neighbor's router that can transmit over wifi to a wifi device on my end that brings it back to Ethernet. Then I can plug this into the WAN port on my router.

Is this even possible ? any suggestions on the devices required ?

Ideally I would just have a wired connection from neighbor's router to the WAN port of my router. Essentially i need to replace this wired connection with a wireless one.

dbest - 2021-01-09 01:21:00

since the wifi signal is no good a range extender is out of the question.
You'll probably need a pair of devices in a bridge, something like these

pretty sure you will find that this is a breach of your neighbours ISPs terms and conditions though

king1 - 2021-01-09 09:38:00
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