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Old laptop to new laptop?


I am going to replace my old slow laptop. How can I transfer all of my shortcuts, preferences, favourite sites, contacts etc from my old laptop to my new laptop?
I presently have a Samsung notebook NP270E5E. Any suggestions for a replacement?

Thank you

sue62 - 2021-01-05 10:44:00

Which web browser are you using? If your browser supports it the easiest option is to sign in and enable sync on the old laptop then sign in and enable sync on the new one.

Windows preferences are easy to set up again from scratch.

Contacts will depend on which contacts app you're using.

vtecintegra - 2021-01-05 11:20:00

Have a look for a laptop at their nearest store to you is in Tauranga.

exwesty - 2021-01-05 11:25:00
sue62 wrote:

I am going to replace my old slow laptop.

It's not slow cause of hardware, it's windows bloat. A fresh install will cure it.
Back up data to a portable drive first.

lythande1 - 2021-01-05 12:00:00
vtecintegra wrote:

Which web browser are you using? If your browser supports it the easiest option is to sign in and enable sync on the old laptop then sign in and enable sync on the new one.

Windows preferences are easy to set up again from scratch.

Contacts will depend on which contacts app you're using.

I am using Google

sue62 - 2021-01-05 12:08:00
exwesty wrote:

Have a look for a laptop at their nearest store to you is in Tauranga.

Thank you

sue62 - 2021-01-05 12:09:00

Watch out. If you choose the wrong new laptop it could end up no faster than what you have. People assume new = fast, that's not true, or they end up just as slow after a short period. It all depends on the specs. Have you thought about revamping the laptop you have? SSD, more ram, fresh install etc?

Edited by muppet_slayer at 12:57 pm, Tue 5 Jan

muppet_slayer - 2021-01-05 12:52:00

pbtech, will see you right though, surely. I think 'fast' starts at about $1500 upwards in laptops.

Edited by muppet_slayer at 12:56 pm, Tue 5 Jan

muppet_slayer - 2021-01-05 12:55:00
sue62 wrote:

I am using Google

You mean Google Chrome?

nice_lady - 2021-01-05 13:45:00
lythande1 wrote:

It's not slow cause of hardware, it's windows bloat. A fresh install will cure it.
Back up data to a portable drive first.

Haha. A quick Google tells me it's a Pentium 4 . No fresh install is going to speed that up.

nice_lady - 2021-01-05 13:47:00

A 6 year old i3 machine?

When you say 'slow' - slow doing what? Starting up, browsing, doing app development, converting videos ....

As noted above, new machines also go faster as they have new installations without (6?) years of left overs. Will you reinstall windows to sell?

soundsgood - 2021-01-05 16:03:00

Several different spec sheets for that device.

nice_lady - 2021-01-05 16:36:00
nice_lady wrote:

Haha. A quick Google tells me it's a Pentium 4 . No fresh install is going to speed that up.

A fresh install would cure that, but not a fresh install of windows. There are other operating systems which are less resource intensive. However if one doesn't know anything at all about computers, it might be a bit of a jump.

tygertung - 2021-01-05 16:49:00
nice_lady wrote:

Several different spec sheets for that device.

Strange it was first released 2013 with a 2.6 GHz Core i5 3230M from my quick look for NP270E5E. There was a Pentium version, a 2117U (U for ULV, ultra low power chip), but that's no P4, it's an Ivy bridge gen Pentium, a lower power consumption version of the same gen i3 built for the mobile market.

Edited by ronaldo8 at 10:00 pm, Tue 5 Jan

ronaldo8 - 2021-01-05 21:52:00

Ah I see I read the spec wrong from Google. It says Intel pentium 4 Gb ram lol. Tricked.

nice_lady - 2021-01-06 04:15:00
nice_lady wrote:

You mean Google Chrome?

No. Just Google

sue62 - 2021-01-06 10:30:00

Google is s company it's not in itself a product.

If not Chrome then perhaps Gmail ?

nice_lady - 2021-01-06 11:00:00
nice_lady wrote:

Ah I see I read the spec wrong from Google. It says Intel pentium 4 Gb ram lol. Tricked.[

Ah I see, easy to do.

ronaldo8 - 2021-01-06 11:06:00
lythande1 wrote:

It's not slow cause of hardware, it's windows bloat. A fresh install will cure it.
Back up data to a portable drive first.

Gee... you lot are a bunch of kill joys !! the OP wants a new bright & shiny laptop and the old one being "slow" is the best argument going to justify the purchase... then you "rotten lot" come along and talk the op out of it with "technical stuff" !!!!! No new car saleman will talk you out of the purchase of a new car because a couple hundred dollars of repairs etc will get the old one back up and running !!

onl_148 - 2021-01-06 11:41:00
nice_lady wrote:

You mean Google Chrome?

No. Just plain old Google

sue62 - 2021-01-06 21:08:00

It can be difficult to know where the things you are using are stored in this present day and age. Some things are "In the cloud" which means you can access them from any laptop / phone / desktop anywhere in the world and they will look the same. Those kinds of things don't require any work by you to get them the way you want them when you power up your new laptop and log into your account.
Other things are stored on your laptop itself and those things will need to be transferred. I'm probably not the best one to talk to as I have not used the tools provided by Windows for exactly this purpose. But you will want to transfer your website bookmarks at least, and there will be documents on the laptop. It may be best to get a tech savy person to take care of it.

Key advice is do not sell your old laptop until you have the new one. Then you can see what you are missing.

bit - 2021-01-06 22:25:00
sue62 wrote:

No. Just plain old Google

Google is a company. You don't use 'plain old Google' you use one or more than one of their products: Chrome, Gmail, Google Photos, Google xxx etc etc etc.

nice_lady - 2021-01-07 04:29:00
nice_lady wrote:

Google is a company. You don't use 'plain old Google' you use one or more than one of their products: Chrome, Gmail, Google Photos, Google xxx etc etc etc.

Lol, you may have to cede this one. Probably not running Windows, just Microsoft. :-)

cookee_nz - 2021-01-08 06:09:00

Ohh.... Didn't think of that.????

Edited by nice_lady at 7:00 am, Fri 8 Jan

nice_lady - 2021-01-08 06:59:00
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