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iPad v Laptop.


I have been gifted an iPad....As I already have a practically brand new up to date laptop what benefits would I gain by using/having an 1Pad???? Plus what drawbacks over a computer does an iPad have????

elsielaurie1 - 2020-12-31 09:05:00

Ipad not so easy to touch type on lol.
Personally I prefer Android but Apple system is VERY secure.
Ipad will have less storage than laptop and some apps/programs you're familiar with on the laptop may or may not be available for the Apple device.
Ipad may have better portability than the laptop.

Use both for a while you'll make up your own mind.

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 09:08:00
nice_lady wrote:

Ipad not so easy to touch type on lol.
Personally I prefer Android but Apple system is VERY secure.
Ipad will have less storage than laptop and some apps/programs you're familiar with on the laptop may or may not be available for the Apple device.
Ipad may have better portability than the laptop.

Use both for a while you'll make up your own mind.

Thank you - as I have never been one for taking my computer with me when I go on holiday, the portability issue doesn't really matter to me...I think I may have a gentle discussion with the gifter and exchange for a new much needed mobile phone...

elsielaurie1 - 2020-12-31 09:31:00


nice_lady - 2020-12-31 09:37:00

I use both. The computer gets used for our business and hubby uses it to surf the internet. I use my iPad for everything else. I also take the iPad away with us just in case I need to do any business work. A lot smaller to cart around than a laptop.

sstraight - 2020-12-31 09:49:00

Swapping for a phone sounds a pretty good idea in your circumstances. Since the increase in phone screen sizes to over 6" I have noticed a decline in ipad usage with quite a few people using their phones instead

duncb - 2020-12-31 17:02:00

I have a iphone & partner has a ipad & we have found that unless you have access to internet - the ipad is usless.. but since he's home 99% of the time - facetime is brilliant for me to contact him..

urbanrefugee54 - 2020-12-31 18:58:00

You could hotspot off the phone.

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 19:32:00

This message was deleted.

azza20 - 2020-12-31 21:07:00

I'm an octogenarian with a computer, a laptop, and two years ago bought an ipad. I use the computer off and on during the day, never use the laptop now that we no longer travel, but my ipad tells me that I use it on average 7 or 8 hours a day. I don't sleep much, and the ipad comes in very handy for playing scrabble against numerous opponents, I play a few other games, such as euchre, free cell, and I watch a lot of videos. (Mostly while lying in bed)
I wouldn't buy an ipad for my husband who will never exceed two hours in a day usage, he will be quite happy with a $200 (on special) tablet. To replace my ipad now would cost me well over $1000, but I like it, and probably would buy a new one if the occasion arose.

colin433 - 2021-01-01 15:28:00

iPads belong by the couch

andywatts - 2021-01-07 14:27:00

I have a work associate who just made this decision, with an eye to his work as it happens rather than liesure he went for the iPad. Hes an industrial designer and does a lot of sketching. This was the turning point for him..

Bit of a neiche example I know but who knows, maybe you are a keen artist. I thought it was a pretty nice idea.

Edited by ronaldo8 at 6:27 pm, Thu 7 Jan

ronaldo8 - 2021-01-07 18:23:00
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