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Help wont connect to the internet.


Our daughter installed our wifi printer via TeamViewer all was working fine, logged of for the night, next day logged on and computer won't connect to the internet, keeps saying internet has. been manually disconnected, so have tried to connect keeps saying the Ethernet cable is either disconnected or Broken but we are wireless so don't have or use an Ethernet cable?? Does anyone have any idea what's going on, we have turned off and on unplugged and replugged every lead or cable to no avail. Daughter assures us she never did anything to the internet??

pollypanner - 2020-12-30 18:40:00

if it's a laptop there is usually a function key on the keyboard to turn on wifi.
Windows 10 has a wifi button at the bottom when you open the wifi network list

You could also plug in a network cable and let daughter use teamviewer to suss it out...

Edited by king1 at 6:47 pm, Wed 30 Dec

king1 - 2020-12-30 18:45:00

It's a Pc and I don't have a cable

pollypanner - 2020-12-31 07:19:00

And so take a look at the bottom right of the screen you should see something like this:

on YOUR computer click the thing where the arrow is showing in the picture. You will see a list of available connections, (wifi ones), if you are not sure which yours is you might have to take a look at the modem/router and it'll have a sticker on it with the SSID, (that'll be the name of the connection), and your password also. Once you are sure which one yours is click on it and then enter the info then click 'connect automatically'.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:05 am, Thu 31 Dec

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 09:03:00

the "manually disconnected" bit suggests to me that wifi is turned off

you might be seeing something like this

in which case turn it on via the "wifi" button, bottom left of the image

king1 - 2020-12-31 09:33:00

Ah. That too.

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 09:36:00
nice_lady wrote:

And so take a look at the bottom right of the screen you should see something like this:

on YOUR computer click the thing where the arrow is showing in the picture. You will see a list of available connections, (wifi ones), if you are not sure which yours is you might have to take a look at the modem/router and it'll have a sticker on it with the SSID, (that'll be the name of the connection), and your password also. Once you are sure which one yours is click on it and then enter the info then click 'connect automatically'.

Have tried that No luck just says check troubleshooter which tells us the ethnet cable is not connected??

pollypanner - 2020-12-31 12:35:00

No the wifi is working as iPad and phones are working also daughter inlaw tried her pic and that connects and works just fine. So has got to be something with the computer, but don't know what

pollypanner - 2020-12-31 12:38:00

Please be more specific. Where you say:

pollypanner wrote:

Have tried that No luck

what EXACTLY did you do and see.

Also in your first post you said:

pollypanner wrote:

keeps saying the Ethernet cable is either disconnected or Broken but we are wireless so don't have or use an Ethernet cable??

Please elucidate. Do you know what an Ethernet Cable is/does/looks like ? You 'are wireless'. Hmmm really - you have a wifi capable router yes as does 99.99% of all users. Is this a fairly modern desktop - perhaps an 'all in one' , (computer inside the screen). Because most desktops do NOT or at least DID not have a wireless card built in so they had to be connected to the router by cable - yes an Ethernet cable.
Can you take a photo of the connections on the back of the computer, (prefer not a blurry one), and put it up here so we can see.

Edited by nice_lady at 1:41 pm, Thu 31 Dec

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 13:35:00

I am a senior and unfortunately I am not up to play with down loading or uploadingphoto's, but I do know what an Ethernet cable is.its the cable that goes from the ph jack point into the back of the computer, we have not had to use one since we joined Vodafone and they sent us a wireless moderm and their tech came and set us up few years ago now. Like I said in my first post everything was working fine until we logged of for the night after daughter installed our wireless printer via teamviewer.

pollypanner - 2020-12-31 14:10:00

So you connect Wirelessly, In Device Manager (Right click Start button to select it). Does it show a wireless device and has it got a yellow symbol by it, If so, Un install it and then at the top of the list, right click and check for device.

swivel - 2020-12-31 14:10:00

No your ethernet cable does not go from any phone jack to the back of the computer. It goes from the modem/router to the back of the computer.

S for uploading photos you do it all the time to sell products s don't you.

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 15:50:00

Thankyou all for your comments and help, I'm going to call and book a mobile geek to come and have a look as I am out of my depth.

pollypanner - 2020-12-31 16:06:00
pollypanner wrote:

Thankyou all for your comments and help, I'm going to call and book a mobile geek to come and have a look as I am out of my depth.

I hope they give you value for your $$, (as hubby used to make a point of doing). I'll just about guarantee you it's about a 5 minute job to get you connected but they'll have a minimum charge.

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 17:05:00

How many wireless connections can a modem run ? Could there be one too many now with the printer...

mechnificent - 2020-12-31 18:46:00
mechnificent wrote:

How many wireless connections can a modem run ? Could there be one too many now with the printer...

Nah....Theoretically they can run 256 If I recall. But that's not going to happen. Theres NO way in an 'ordinary household' such as the OP's that the router wouldn't handle the few connections required. No way.

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 18:48:00

Yeah I thought so.. just checking but.

mechnificent - 2020-12-31 18:51:00

Hey nice lady... You used to be really patient years ago... Don't let this place frustrate you... Stay nice.

mechnificent - 2020-12-31 18:53:00

We need the nice people..

mechnificent - 2020-12-31 18:58:00
nice_lady wrote:

Nah....Theoretically they can run 256 If I recall. But that's not going to happen. Theres NO way in an 'ordinary household' such as the OP's that the router wouldn't handle the few connections required. No way.

Theoretically yes they can run 255 but in my experience once you get more than 11 wireless devices on a ISP provided modem they start to have issues.

loud_37 - 2020-12-31 20:25:00
loud_37 wrote:

Theoretically yes they can run 255 but in my experience once you get more than 11 wireless devices on a ISP provided modem they start to have issues.

Yeah well the OP is "old" by their own admission. They're not likely to have 11 devices running on wifi. I'd be personally amazed if that was the issue.

nice_lady - 2020-12-31 21:08:00
nice_lady wrote:

Yeah well the OP is "old" by their own admission. They're not likely to have 11 devices running on wifi. I'd be personally amazed if that was the issue.

True, I would say its a cable issue as I'm sure the message they are getting doesn't come up if no cable is present.

loud_37 - 2020-12-31 22:00:00

Even if you can use wireless, if the computer is in a fixed location, it is always better to use an ethernet cable as it is so much faster, doesn't drop out and has so many less issues.

tygertung - 2021-01-01 08:43:00

No one's yet mentioned that the printer could be needing a fixed IP address. Sorry, it's beyond me to explain, but my hubby fixed my printer connection problems like this.

hazelnut2 - 2021-01-01 16:26:00

Yeah that's common but the problem is the OP's computer wont connect to the internet.

nice_lady - 2021-01-01 16:47:00
tygertung wrote:

Even if you can use wireless, if the computer is in a fixed location, it is always better to use an ethernet cable as it is so much faster, doesn't drop out and has so many less issues.

Hmmm well maybe but only if it's practical to run a cable. We have two laptops and a desktop and phones of course here. The laptops run off wifi and never have 'drop outs' - not ever. It's perfectly fast enough for us also, (hubby did install a 5Ghz router a few years ago and it's great). Our desktop is at the other end of the house and yeah it runs off a cable - from a router which is running DDWRT and works as essentially a wifi extender/bridge. So cables aren't always ideal. And in the OP's case the computer is saying 'Cable unplugged'. But they reckon that while its a desktop they run wifi so it's not cabled ? I am indeed not sure they know as they seemed to think an Ethernet cable ran from the phone jack to the comptuer. Hmmm.... Wait and see ?

nice_lady - 2021-01-01 16:51:00

SO I did know we used to have a cable that was plugged into something over the other side of the room ran under the table into back of the computer, but that was back in the old dial up days. This computer which is eight years plus old never use one, But the problem as been solved, our daughter has given us her pc as she uses her laptop and not the pic,it's all up and running printer installed"etc" and STILL no Ethernet cable needed. I Just think the computer was ready for computer heaven Lol... Thanks for all the help/ comments, hope you all have a Happy New Year.

pollypanner - 2021-01-02 12:25:00


nice_lady - 2021-01-02 12:39:00
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