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When opening an online account in USA and they want to know your actual address city and zip code what do you do?

suewyn1 - 2020-12-27 23:57:00

zip code = postcode usually. May need to change the country to NZ first

Edited by king1 at 12:16 am, Mon 28 Dec

king1 - 2020-12-28 00:15:00
king1 wrote:

zip code = postcode usually. May need to change the country to NZ first

The whole point of using a vpn is so I can access tv shows not available in NZ so I cant use my real address(residence).

suewyn1 - 2020-12-28 00:26:00
suewyn1 wrote:

The whole point of using a vpn is so I can access tv shows not available in NZ so I cant use my real address(residence).

Yes you can. Your connection will be routed via your VPN and the VPN uses its address, not yours. In other words, the VPN substitutes it's address for yours. That's how VPN works.

hulloitsme - 2020-12-28 05:53:00

^Your talking IP Addresses, OP is talking physical postal address location.
OP All I did was use google maps picked a random place in in the US, any city, an zoomed in until i Had a real address, its irrelevant whose adress it really is, as long as the subscription system recognizes it as real.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-12-28 08:23:00

Apparently the 90210 ZIP code is used a lot in US accounts.

Lot of people around the world having to fill in forms and Americans companies assume everybody has a ZIP code. As the 'Beveley Hills, 90210' TV show used to be popular it was the ZIP code everybody knew and used for a throw away address

If you actually want stuff physically delivered to an address in the US, NZ Post (and others) has a drop box service. If signing up for an online account then just use some random address from an online phone book or business.

Only hitch might be that that some services like Apple iTunes used to use to validate the billing address of your credit card; if the billing address was not US based then you could not use that card. Hence bit of a market in US purchased iTunes cards as you could sign up using one of those then switch payment to a foreign card for ongoing payments.

gblack - 2020-12-28 08:38:00

Haha I use 90210

loose.unit8 - 2020-12-28 10:47:00
suewyn1 wrote:

The whole point of using a vpn is so I can access tv shows not available in NZ so I cant use my real address(residence).

The physical address is irrelevant, it's the IP address that the VPN service provides that allows you to access geoblocked content.

Now if your trying hide illegal activities that might attract the attention of specific government agencies, then there are also anonymous VPN providers that are more suited to that need...

Edited by king1 at 12:39 pm, Mon 28 Dec

king1 - 2020-12-28 12:36:00
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