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Connecting laptop to TV


Hi, I want to connect via cable my laptop to a TV (not smart TV). The laptop has VGA output but the TV has no VGA in. The TV has HDMI. Yhe laptop has no HDMI. Is there a way to connect the two devices?
This is to be able to play our many MP4 videos and movies.
Many thanks

jack47 - 2020-12-26 12:55:00

Does the tv have a usb port? If so copy the movies onto a USB key and plug it into the tv and play.

nice_lady - 2020-12-26 13:46:00

You can get a VGA to HDMI adapter which you can find with searching Google.

sw20 - 2020-12-26 13:52:00

Yeah and then the OP will also need to cable connect some sound from the laptop to the TV also.

nice_lady - 2020-12-26 15:13:00
nice_lady wrote:

Yeah and then the OP will also need to cable connect some sound from the laptop to the TV also.

Yes some adapters also include that in the form of a 3.5mm input which integrates that with the HDMI signal output.

sw20 - 2020-12-26 15:15:00

If your TV has DLNA (it probably has) and network connectivity then an option would be to use UMS (Ultra Media Server, which is free) on the laptop/PC. This way, using the TV (the client) you would be able to select the media file using the TV remote. No untidy wires. Needs a reasonable wifi connection tho. Win10 has a DLNA server embedded in it however I find UMS more convenient.

mark119 - 2020-12-26 15:35:00

#2 is the simplest

nice_lady - 2020-12-26 15:50:00

Many thanks for all the replies. There is no USB.
No 2 sounds the answer I need but exactly what product should I ask for?
I see some VGA/HDMI cables are only one one way,, some need an extra converter and also need a separate cable for audio. I am not on techno stuff!
Also i see the TV has S-video, does this help? BTW the TV is LG 40", about 11 years old. cheers and thanks.

jack47 - 2020-12-26 19:21:00

What model is the laptop? If it has a DisplayPort you can use a cheap passive adapter, if it's VGA only (ugh) then you'd need an expensive active VGA to HDMI adapter which is probably not worthwhile (you could just upgrade to a newer laptop for similar money)

vtecintegra - 2020-12-26 19:29:00
jack47 wrote:

Many thanks for all the replies. There is no USB.
No 2 sounds the answer I need but exactly what product should I ask for?

? Think you're confused. #2 suggested a usb key with the movies copied to it and plugged into the tv.

I think without that then #3 might be the one. And just exactly what it says:

A VGA to HDMI adaptor.

Something like this:

or this:

You need to realise that the VGA to HDMI will NOT transmit sound so you need a seperate connection to do that. Some of these 'kits' have that included.

And I"m not too sure of the quality of the products I linked to but theres no way they could be called expensive.

Edited by nice_lady at 7:38 pm, Sat 26 Dec

nice_lady - 2020-12-26 19:37:00

As vtecintegra. What make and model. Most laptops have displayport or HDMI. They can both be mini versions which are hard to spot

duncb - 2020-12-26 21:21:00
jack47 wrote:

Many thanks for all the replies. There is no USB.
No 2 sounds the answer I need but exactly what product should I ask for?

Newer TV's, even non-smart ones, have a USB port and can play media from that. But sounds like your TV doesn't have one.

In that case the dongle and wires NiceLady linked to should work. Using the VGA port limits how high you can go on the resolution, but with an older TV that's likely not going to be an issue. You should be able to get DVD type resolution just fine.

ianab - 2020-12-26 21:25:00

Nobody has suggested Chromecast.. I guess as OP asked for wired connected, but something like Chromecast would seem to be the best solution.

The TV is 11 years old with no USB so sounds like a non-smart model. Adding a Chromecast would help make it a smart TV and be a lot easier than fiddling with VGA to HDMI with second cable for sound.

Edited by gblack at 8:33 am, Sun 27 Dec

gblack - 2020-12-27 08:32:00

The member deleted this message.

sw20 - 2020-12-27 11:41:00

gblack probably most logical solution yet the only thing is you have to use chrome browser to cast to tv

mber2 - 2020-12-27 13:04:00

@jack47, if your laptop has bluetooth, you can buy a bluetooth transceiver and plug that into your TV using the RCA/Audio cable.

ang_ck - 2020-12-27 13:08:00

The member deleted this message.

spyware - 2020-12-27 13:19:00
ang_ck wrote:

@jack47, if your laptop has bluetooth, you can buy a bluetooth transceiver and plug that into your TV using the RCA/Audio cable.

And how will that enable video to the TV?

nice_lady - 2020-12-27 13:21:00

Chromecast is looking good. We had one on our 2012 panasonic non smart lcd tv. Worked beautifully. Might help we have reasonable fast wifi in the house also

nice_lady - 2020-12-27 13:26:00

Just get a VGA HDMI adaptor, they should be pretty cheap and them use a 3.5mm to RCA adaptor to get the sound into your TV or stereo, if the TV has the analogue sound input. Otherwise have your hi-fi next to the TV and plug the audio into that.

I never use TV speakers as I think they sound rubbish, although some ladies don't mind them.

tygertung - 2020-12-27 13:41:00

You can't choose an analog audio input and HDMI, you have to mix the VGA and audio and output both over HDMI if solely using a TV.

Edited by spyware at 1:45 pm, Sun 27 Dec

spyware - 2020-12-27 13:45:00

Here's another option, buy one of these boxes, copy your movies to a USB stick and plug it to the box, connect the box to TV via HDMI cable.
It comes with a remote controller as well.

flower_tears - 2020-12-28 03:29:00
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