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What's the difference between routers


Stuff offer a free Gigabit router of a Hi speed router for an extra $299. What do other companies offer, as I thought the router was usually free

bicyclerider - 2020-12-21 19:46:00

The difference between this

and this

Id add, both pieces of information available from simply clicking the "technical details" link at the bottom of their routers offered page.

Edited by ronaldo8 at 8:39 pm, Mon 21 Dec

ronaldo8 - 2020-12-21 20:36:00

This message was deleted.

azza20 - 2020-12-21 21:07:00

Unless you have a huge two storey house with lots of users take the standard router which is free. This will be fine for most normal homes.If you dont fall into this category then give us a few more details. Size of house, storeys , amount of people etc. and the people here may be able to give you the best alternative options

duncb - 2020-12-21 21:48:00

Generally speaking, people who need the higher capability router know that they do. That would likely be people taking a higher bandwidth link or with many online gamers, video production,etc.

If you chat with the company and let them know how you will use the internet they will guide you - and it it is usually to the standard model.

soundsgood - 2020-12-22 07:09:00

And generally if you look on Pricespy you'd find it cheaper elsewhere, if you really want the thing.

lythande1 - 2020-12-22 08:06:00
duncb wrote:

Unless you have a huge two storey house with lots of users take the standard router which is free. This will be fine for most normal homes.If you dont fall into this category then give us a few more details. Size of house, storeys , amount of people etc. and the people here may be able to give you the best alternative options

Spot on.
The Telco modems are suitable for most households in most cases.
But, they do tend to fall over with high wifi usage volumes or houses loaded up with general electronics, (electromagnetic signal interference) or long houses, (larger distances then a std typical box style house)

mrfxit - 2020-12-22 08:45:00

I've got stuff and use the free one. It's actually really decent. I get great speeds even on wifi and it's got lots of good features

loose.unit8 - 2020-12-22 10:46:00

Thanks for that feedback, its a small 120 sq meter single story house, with one user who needs to use it for zoom meetings, I think that has answered most of my concerns

bicyclerider - 2020-12-22 21:57:00
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