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I have a friend who has The Crown on a USB stick. How do you record, copy a Netflix movie onto your computer then supposedly transfer to a memory stick? Is it possible? Or is the Crown available via DVD ?

jenwren26 - 2020-12-21 17:47:00

They have downloaded it from a torrent site and put it on the USB stick.

sw20 - 2020-12-21 18:14:00

They have a friend who came past with it on a USB stick and copied it.

gyrogearloose - 2020-12-21 19:59:00

Almost everyting available on Netfix is available for free somewhere (almost certainly illegally) on the internet. Download it and and put it on a USB stick and "Voila"

duncb - 2020-12-21 21:57:00

i dont really see why you would wASTE YOUR TIME netflix is like 13$ a month. thats 1 kino ticket or less and it all has no adverts.

intrade - 2020-12-23 23:38:00

When streaming services were difficult to access using the torrents sites was arguably acceptable, but these days there really is no excuse for that kind of copyright thievery...

oh_hunnihunni - 2020-12-24 05:41:00
intrade wrote:

i dont really see why you would wASTE YOUR TIME netflix is like 13$ a month. thats 1 kino ticket or less and it all has no adverts.

Netflix's is $16.50 a month for two basic screens

jackiechan3 - 2020-12-24 07:10:00
jackiechan3 wrote:

Netflix's is $16.50 a month for two basic screens

what in the hek are you on about i have netflix and i am sure i seen that on there. its restriction is if you want hd 720 or higher res and since my internet unlikely streams full Hd i just got the normal sub. 0 adverts and i can watch one movie after another 24/7 if i want to. my first one was the platform in lockdown then all zombie movies like Z nation etc..
i never seen anything about extra pay .. but i also did not see if the full hd one has different purchase . I shall go look for that maybe on lower budget ones these come later i never seen any extra pay option within netflix
i go check if that title is listed on my netflix.......

Edited by intrade at 12:51 pm, Thu 24 Dec

intrade - 2020-12-24 12:37:00

yes its there 10 episodes i can watch and i dont pay 16.50 its somethung near 14 . i would have to log on to my prepay mastercard to look. Thats how i pay for it. yup here Yu-go season 1. 10 episodes i could watch

Edited by intrade at 1:01 pm, Thu 24 Dec

intrade - 2020-12-24 13:01:00

intrade you can pay more for having 4K available and being able to have four users using the one account Netflix at once.

sw20 - 2020-12-24 13:01:00
sw20 wrote:

intrade you can pay more for having 4K available and being able to have four users using the one account Netflix at once.

my point is the crown is on there i just proofed it and i am happy with that sub. i am used to watch movies that looked like ants on 14 inch tv as kid in black and white lol if i had fiber id go for fullHD streaming. 800kbs is about all i get now on adsl1 my tv can do 4k but my net wont do that.

Edited by intrade at 1:12 pm, Thu 24 Dec

intrade - 2020-12-24 13:09:00

Yeah you don’t get more shows by choosing a more expensive sub. You can just get better quality and lots more users. I understand your point. The cheapest Netflix is $12 a month why bother jumping through hoops just to watch a show, spend the $12.

Edited by sw20 at 1:14 pm, Thu 24 Dec

sw20 - 2020-12-24 13:11:00

sw20 as you can see i remember things correctly. That fact was not as high on my list of important facts to remember as the automotive stuff. its why i had to go recheck if i did do remember it incorrectly after someone made a claim i was supposedly wrong.

intrade - 2020-12-24 14:49:00

Record it while it's playing with a screensaver program.
I use "Flashback Express" which is a free download.
Save it to Documents and you can copy it to USB.

conjac - 2020-12-24 17:50:00
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