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Phoning and imputing letters and numbers


I had reason to call NZPost to enquire about tracking a parcel. They required me to input the tracking number which required letters and numbers Each key has 3 letters in lower case how do I get to input the letter I need. I wanted M but when press it came up 6 What happens if I wanted the second letter. Do I click twice

Edited by erimus at 9:23 am, Fri 18 Dec

erimus - 2020-12-18 09:15:00

IF you are using a phone with physical keys it's usually press and hold then tap again for further letters

but why not go to their website and track it there it's very simple

Edited by nice_lady at 9:55 am, Fri 18 Dec

nice_lady - 2020-12-18 09:53:00

I have been on the website but shows the item has been collected but nothing more for 5 days so was concerned and phoned the them but had trouble input imputing
the Ref number .IF you are using a phone with physical keys it's usually press and hold then tap again for further letters

but why not go to their website and track it there it's very simple[/quote]

Edited by erimus at 10:40 am, Fri 18 Dec

erimus - 2020-12-18 10:39:00
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