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Anti-money laundering rules


I’ve been looking for information on identity photo copying of the personal details
Can someone give a link to the storage of this information .

toyboy3 - 2020-12-15 12:55:00

I'm unclear on your question, but any data collected must be stored and used in compliance with the new Privacy Act.

Info here:

sparkychap - 2020-12-15 13:02:00

Is there a legal requirement to photo copy the personal information or should it be just visual check the identity , at the lawyers

toyboy3 - 2020-12-15 13:44:00

I believe they need to keep a copy for future reference.

sparkychap - 2020-12-15 14:01:00
sparkychap wrote:

I believe they need to keep a copy for future reference.

for 20 years

gabbysnana - 2020-12-15 14:11:00
sparkychap wrote:

I believe they need to keep a copy for future reference.

If that’s so it would be written in law to gather the identity , I can’t find it

toyboy3 - 2020-12-15 14:13:00
toyboy3 wrote:

If that’s so it would be written in law to gather the identity , I can’t find it

anti money laundering legislation

gabbysnana - 2020-12-15 14:27:00

Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 read it

gabbysnana - 2020-12-15 14:28:00
toyboy3 wrote:

If that’s so it would be written in law to gather the identity , I can’t find it

Look harder, but here's a clue. Start with s 5 of the Act and then see ss 49 and 50.

Edited by johnston at 2:39 pm, Tue 15 Dec

johnston - 2020-12-15 14:37:00
toyboy3 wrote:

If that’s so it would be written in law to gather the identity , I can’t find it

Why the reluctance to let them take a copy? Don't you trust your lawyer?

sparkychap - 2020-12-15 14:57:00

Yes there have been changes in the last couple of years, bit of a pain but you must follow the rules, they are still a bit primitive having this and that verification/copies etc , not up with the tech scene yet.Go with the flow. You can't trust anybody, even yourself sometimes. Nothing is certain in life. Each to their own.

msigg - 2020-12-15 17:34:00
sparkychap wrote:

Why the reluctance to let them take a copy? Don't you trust your lawyer?

no id, then you call the cops, sorts them out.

gabbysnana - 2020-12-15 18:21:00

My lawyer asked me to sign an affidavit for someone I know, who had no current photo ID, confirming that the photo that was supplied, was actually him.

joanie04 - 2020-12-15 21:18:00
joanie04 wrote:

My lawyer asked me to sign an affidavit for someone I know, who had no current photo ID, confirming that the photo that was supplied, was actually him.

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn’t there

Must have been him....

rpvr - 2020-12-16 16:16:00
joanie04 wrote:

My lawyer asked me to sign an affidavit for someone I know, who had no current photo ID, confirming that the photo that was supplied, was actually him.

. You have one heck of a smart lawyer! He knows how to pass on the bug , if something goes wrong ....???? “ well I did not sign it-..... he did! ( you) ????

argentum47 - 2020-12-16 16:21:00

Look that whole money laundering stuff is a bid of a joke and more designed to keep an eye on your financial dealings ( and making sure that you pay your tax) than anything else .... take this $10.000 nonsense at the airport for example,,,, it’s “pocket money“ when it comes to money laundering ! If anyone gets done for money laundering over $10-$50k they should be locked up for stupidity rather than anything else ( for dealing in such smal amounts of money ) yet you could wear a $20million dollar Diamond around your neck and nobody would care or notice it .... it’s bit of an excuse of big brother watching you, rather than trying to stop criminal activities, those guys are a lot smarter than that ...

argentum47 - 2020-12-16 16:31:00
joanie04 wrote:

My lawyer asked me to sign an affidavit for someone I know, who had no current photo ID, confirming that the photo that was supplied, was actually him.

none of that is needed for an affidavit,

gabbysnana - 2020-12-16 18:49:00
argentum47 wrote:

Look that whole money laundering stuff is a bid of a joke and more designed to keep an eye on your financial dealings ( and making sure that you pay your tax) than anything else .... take this $10.000 nonsense at the airport for example,,,, it’s “pocket money“ when it comes to money laundering ! If anyone gets done for money laundering over $10-$50k they should be locked up for stupidity rather than anything else ( for dealing in such smal amounts of money ) yet you could wear a $20million dollar Diamond around your neck and nobody would care or notice it .... it’s bit of an excuse of big brother watching you, rather than trying to stop criminal activities, those guys are a lot smarter than that ...

did you really write that garbage, you can thank John Key and his cohorts for aml requirements.

gabbysnana - 2020-12-16 18:51:00
gabbysnana wrote:

did you really write that garbage, you can thank John Key and his cohorts for aml requirements.

. Sorry for waking you up....????

argentum47 - 2020-12-16 19:13:00

Lots of RE agencies are getting third parties to do this work now as it's too much of a headache. No one can really afford to have Betsey McGee's photo of her stored on their phone holding her passport with the privacy laws these days.

superdave0_13 - 2020-12-16 19:53:00
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