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spyware - 2020-12-14 14:56:00

And? I'm happy with my fibre.

lythande1 - 2020-12-14 18:52:00

I've glanced at the link and it confirms what I think - the ISP's don't do sufficient testing, and only resolve issues when customers do the testing and point out the configuration issues.

I've overseeen hours of testing late at night where the ISP says "We've never seen so much testing" and the performance improve remarkably the next day.

gyrogearloose - 2020-12-14 19:18:00

Fibre doesn't have configuration issues that a customer could point out to an ISP.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-12-14 21:33:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

Fibre doesn't have configuration issues that a customer could point out to an ISP.

Have to disagree with you there.. A customer can runs tests to show significant packet loss on the ISP's own network (MTR + traceroutes), which the ISP can investigate internally or with the vendor. Obviously, this varies from company to company.. Fortunately, I got a helpful rep and they helped me resolve a Max Fibre issue with my ISP in the last 6 months. Turns out it was a fault at the Fibre pillar (discarding traffic) and was fixed by an Enable contractor (CHCH area) within 48 hours :)

raikov - 2020-12-14 22:50:00

Given that Chorus provides the infrastructure, can someone explain why there is such a huge variation between retailers? Does this imply that some of them are purposely strangling the bandwidth?

tegretol - 2020-12-14 23:24:00
tegretol wrote:

Given that Chorus provides the infrastructure, can someone explain why there is such a huge variation between retailers? Does this imply that some of them are purposely strangling the bandwidth?

The data on Chorus's infrastructure gets separated onto each ISP's own infrastructure. So you might be looking at a row of racks and this rack will belong to Chorus, this rack to Spark, this rack to Vodafone and this rack to Vocus (etc).

And then the retailers, lets name Trustpower as an example, will have a deal with one of the ISP's named above where their customers will be separated again either into another rack, switch or VLAN, such that at some point you can definitely say and measure "all the traffic at this node belongs to Trustpower" - because you have to measure the traffic to charge for it.

And all of that opens the door for routing problems and bottlenecks.

gyrogearloose - 2020-12-15 17:33:00
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