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how long to sell a house these days


if its been on market 3months and agent that has it is next door to it ,is agent being picky who will live there or what.
not mine but a neighbour

pearlypearl - 2020-12-13 17:21:00

Mine took 3 weeks from listing to unconditional, in a so so neighborhood to first home buyers so yeap tell your neighbour to change agencies.

gabbysnana - 2020-12-13 18:03:00
gabbysnana wrote:

Mine took 3 weeks from listing to unconditional, in a so so neighborhood to first home buyers so yeap tell your neighbour to change agencies.

Or lower their price expectations.

johnston - 2020-12-13 18:21:00
pearlypearl wrote:

if its been on market 3months and agent that has it is next door to it ,is agent being picky who will live there or what.
not mine but a neighbour

How many offers have been presented so far?

johnston - 2020-12-13 18:22:00

I'd change agents.

annie17111 - 2020-12-13 18:24:00

properties here IN Hamilton are selling very quickly (unless it is a million dollar home on river road)

cathi - 2020-12-13 18:26:00

My brother in Chch sold his house last Tuesday, it had been on the market for 7 days

Edited by jascas at 6:32 pm, Sun 13 Dec

jascas - 2020-12-13 18:32:00

in Auckland list on Friday, under contract Saturday ..

pf - 2020-12-13 18:50:00
pearlypearl wrote:

if its been on market 3months and agent that has it is next door to it ,is agent being picky who will live there or what.
not mine but a neighbour

Based on all of the detailed facts provided, I can conclusively state that no-one here can tell you.

sparkychap - 2020-12-13 19:01:00

Houses selling within a week unconditional with multiple offers in Hamilton.

alfa13 - 2020-12-14 05:48:00

Yes houses are selling fast, but that doesn't answer the OPs question.

sparkychap - 2020-12-14 08:17:00
sparkychap wrote:

Based on all of the detailed facts provided, I can conclusively state that no-one here can tell you.

True but O/P doesn't want an answer as that might end the conversation.

amasser - 2020-12-14 08:35:00

I see you're in Tauranga. If the house is in Tauranga, in good condition and correctly priced it should not take 3 months to sell. Last Thursday Eves sold 22 in their auction room. These all had 3 - 4 week marketing campaigns. None were what I'd call a bargain and the stock level of homes on the market is very low. It's a sellers market. Are their price expectations too high?

carstauranga001 - 2020-12-14 08:36:00
amasser wrote:

True but O/P doesn't want an answer as that might end the conversation.

LOL, good point, although might be more that they only want the answer that meets their preconceived beliefs....

sparkychap - 2020-12-14 08:45:00

I hear what you all are saying, as I have said not my house, but begining to think something is not quite right. think they should change agent ,and I cant really put too much here. just think its strange its not sold and the agent for it lives next to it, owner is older person.

pearlypearl - 2020-12-14 10:14:00

Depends where it is. What is putting off the potential purchasers? Flood area, building construction - poor building reports, other LIM reason, future development - might have an adverse impact. Busy road - that is going to get worse.
Go sole agency with different RE co.

serf407 - 2020-12-14 10:27:00

What part of Tauranga is it in?

carstauranga001 - 2020-12-14 10:45:00
sparkychap wrote:

LOL, good point, although might be more that they only want the answer that meets their preconceived beliefs....

Answers on this MB ?! - surely you jest electric boy

funkydunky - 2020-12-14 18:28:00
funkydunky wrote:

Answers on this MB ?! - surely you jest electric boy

Plenty of good answers on here, sadly most get lost in the "noise".

sparkychap - 2020-12-14 18:38:00
pearlypearl wrote:

if its been on market 3months

Hmm. Selling in no time lately....either has some problem or they want too much.

lythande1 - 2020-12-14 18:46:00

mine sold in an hour

spead - 2020-12-21 21:31:00

omg been following house auctions in Tauranga , Pyes Pa area just went for over 1 million.
Tremains Omokoroa have the one mentioned earlier

Edited by pearlypearl at 2:18 pm, Tue 22 Dec

pearlypearl - 2020-12-22 14:17:00
pearlypearl wrote:

omg been following house auctions in Tauranga , Pyes Pa area just went for over 1 million.
Tremains Omokoroa have the one mentioned earlier

How many offers have been received?

In this market with a reputable agent like Tremains there's really only one explanation; unrealistic price expectations.

johnston - 2020-12-22 14:48:00

How does the current asking price compare to the appraisal?

johnston - 2020-12-22 14:49:00

A friend of mine who wife is with a middle size law firm, she says that there is pressure on them to have lawyers available on at least Saturday if not also Sunday so that S & P's can be "processed via a lawyer" in a hurry to get an offer on the table before some other potential buyer... people are worried they may miss out if they delay things too long !!! Gone are the days where lawyers worked "gentlemens hours" and were unavailable on Fridays because that was golf day !

onl_148 - 2020-12-22 15:55:00

Possible the agent has forgotten to advertise it anywhere. Have a look on there window or ask about it. Has it got a sign outside, Get them to take you through it and see what they have to say and have a think about why you dont buy it make a day of it and get them to show you some similar price houses, maybe use a spare phone number cause they might phone you late at night to let you know deadline for offers is tomorrow.

ash4561 - 2020-12-23 00:11:00

Out of the ten houses I counted with a 'For sale' sign out front, in Invercargill
Only one didn't have a 'Sold' sticker stuck on it.

Umm, the 'house is next to the Real estate agents'.
2nd rule of buying houses. If the house next door to your property goes up for sale. Buy it.

marte - 2020-12-23 05:50:00
alfa13 wrote:

Houses selling within a week unconditional with multiple offers in Hamilton.

Then they sit empty for weeks when the new owner tries to rent them out.

kestrel43 - 2020-12-23 09:50:00

Being a neighbour i would be pretty concerned that the real estate agent might see an opportunity to buy and the next thing you know you have double story apartment blocks with all tenants that make noise and worse. I would look into buying it if i was you or see if something dodgy is going on.

ash4561 - 2020-12-23 12:47:00
amasser wrote:

True but O/P doesn't want an answer as that might end the conversation.

In psychology we call that “mind reading”

100percenthoney - 2020-12-23 16:47:00
100percenthoney wrote:

In psychology we call that “mind reading”

It dosent require an answer just a discussion

pearlypearl - 2020-12-23 18:06:00

A back house near me has been on sale for 6 months at least, at $900,000.Its got no views and is surrounded by high hedges. Just a normal house .

androth2 - 2020-12-23 19:47:00

Strange the agent has moved out now and that house is empty and has been for about 2 weeks. thought it would be snapped up for anther rental.
The other one still not sold

pearlypearl - 2021-01-06 14:40:00

I'm of the same opinion as #29 - both houses have already been sold to the same buyer; and there's no obligation to remove the For Sale sign or put a "Sold" sticker on it - those courtesies are optional.

I doubt the Real Estate agent would be stupid enough to put his name as the buyer AND the sales agent, rather they'd get a patsy to do this for an undeclared commission.

gyrogearloose - 2021-01-06 16:42:00
sparkychap wrote:

Based on all of the detailed facts provided, I can conclusively state that no-one here can tell you.

There's a bit of a conflict of interest perhaps though... The agent should know better.

mechnificent - 2021-01-06 16:52:00
mechnificent wrote:

There's a bit of a conflict of interest perhaps though... The agent should know better.

We know nothing of the facts of the case, just some nosy neighbours opinion.

sparkychap - 2021-01-06 18:06:00
sparkychap wrote:

We know nothing of the facts of the case, just some nosy neighbours opinion.

Bit rude really.
Have an interest in general about house buying selling n rentals, dosent mean I’m a nosy neighbour at all.
Just seems unusual for the length of time for house to sell in my opinion.
And the agent living next door to it. Considering house shortage n rentals short

Edited by pearlypearl at 7:24 pm, Wed 6 Jan

pearlypearl - 2021-01-06 19:19:00
pearlypearl wrote:

Bit rude really.
Have an interest in general about house buying selling n rentals, dosent mean I’m a nosy neighbour at all.
Just seems unusual for the length of time for house to sell in my opinion.
And the agent living next door to it. Considering house shortage n rentals short

It doesn't mean you have a clue either.

johnston - 2021-01-06 19:33:00
pearlypearl wrote:

Bit rude really.
Have an interest in general about house buying selling n rentals, dosent mean I’m a nosy neighbour at all.
Just seems unusual for the length of time for house to sell in my opinion.
And the agent living next door to it. Considering house shortage n rentals short

Well you come on here, asking a loaded question, criticising a real estate agent whilst providing no actual facts.

THAT'S rude...

sparkychap - 2021-01-06 19:37:00

I'm pretty sure the real estate institute would think it was a conflict of interest for him/her to be selling the house next door to their own.. It's not professional to put yourself in a situation where the question could be raised.

That's what professionalism is all about.. being above question.

mechnificent - 2021-01-06 19:46:00

Ah I’ve not criticised at all just stated a fact, so pull your head in Sparkychap.
It was and is just a discussion

pearlypearl - 2021-01-06 19:47:00
pearlypearl wrote:

Ah I’ve not criticised at all just stated a fact, so pull your head in Sparkychap.
It was and is just a discussion

No discussion without facts.

sparkychap - 2021-01-06 19:48:00
mechnificent wrote:

I'm pretty sure the real estate institute would think it was a conflict of interest for him/her to be selling the house next door to their own.. It's not professional to put yourself in a situation where the question could be raised.

That's what professionalism is all about.. being above question.

The real estate institute have no say in the matter. But in itself, it's not a conflict of interest.

sparkychap - 2021-01-06 19:49:00

Basically it was just a discussion on why house has taken so long to sell.
I’m happy to leave it here thankyou

pearlypearl - 2021-01-06 20:13:00
mechnificent wrote:

I'm pretty sure the real estate institute would think it was a conflict of interest for him/her to be selling the house next door to their own.. It's not professional to put yourself in a situation where the question could be raised.

That's what professionalism is all about.. being above question.

What REINZ thinks is immaterial and even if they wanted to they are powerless. Your "pretty sure" is 100% wrong.

johnston - 2021-01-06 20:13:00
pearlypearl wrote:

Basically it was just a discussion on why house has taken so long to sell.
I’m happy to leave it here thankyou

It wasn't a discussion. You engaged in wild speculation that the agent was being picky about who will live in the property while not possessing any material facts.

Edited by johnston at 8:16 pm, Wed 6 Jan

johnston - 2021-01-06 20:15:00
pearlypearl wrote:

Basically it was just a discussion on why house has taken so long to sell.
I’m happy to leave it here thankyou

Yes, but without knowing any of the details, including, but not limited to:

What is the method of sale
How is it being marketed
Are there open homes
What is the attendence
What is the vendors price expectation
Are they really wanting to sell or "testing the market"
How many offers have been presented
Have any been accepted but collapsed due to finance or building inspection reports

But apart from that, I'm sure we can just have a supposition.

sparkychap - 2021-01-06 20:21:00

A complete lack of knowledge did not stop her naming the agency.

johnston - 2021-01-07 06:53:00
pearlypearl wrote:

Basically it was just a discussion on why house has taken so long to sell.
I’m happy to leave it here thankyou

As has been explained, there could be various reasons. It could be a leaker, or the perception of buyers is that it's a leaker. Or it could be over-priced. Or maybe the seller is testing the market and doesn't really want to sell. Or maybe a murder was once committed there, which is putting buyers off. Or maybe it's a P house. The list goes on.

committed - 2021-01-07 07:15:00

Also there are 445 properties for sale in Tauranga (according to TM). Many were listed in November, and at least one was listed in May 2020. Clearly, not all properties are selling quickly.

committed - 2021-01-07 07:31:00
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