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MIstakenly thought was New Zealand!


I am so angry. Ordered a product as the website says order before 15th and it will be here by Christmas. but this is NOT a NZ business but in the UK.I found the NZ one on facebook who are retail only. I would never have ordered had I known that. Chances are of receiving it ever are probably slim. Just wanted to warn others that does not mean it's in our country. First time I have come across this.

jan2242 - 2020-12-12 11:53:00

Yes, common trick these days.

You have to go through to the about us page and try and find a local phone number and physical address and check to see if the product is in stock and dispatches locally.

sw20 - 2020-12-12 12:21:00

Always try to check this stuff. This page has all the info you'd want on it. Unless it's a 'recognised' NZ retailer then you need to check.

nice_lady - 2020-12-12 12:47:00

Ps: they appear to have an oz site - might be quicker to order from that ?
And perhaps you could cancel the order and re-order from a genuine Nz site ?

nice_lady - 2020-12-12 13:17:00

Mobile Fun is the New Zealand's leading online mobile accessories retailer — offering the latest mobile phones and exciting accessories. Based in Birmingham since we started the company in 2000, Mobile Fun employs over 100 staff and operates through offices and dedicated websites around the world, including Australia ( ), United Kingdom ( ), United States ( ), France ( ) and Spain ( ).

It's not a "trick". some businesses have multiple worldwide sites.

lythande1 - 2020-12-12 13:31:00
nice_lady wrote:

Always try to check this stuff. This page has all the info you'd want on it. Unless it's a 'recognised' NZ retailer then you need to check.

And you can check at

wembley1 - 2020-12-12 14:56:00
lythande1 wrote:

It's not a "trick". some businesses have multiple worldwide sites.

It is a trick - as they are not a NZ business they are not subject to the Sale of Goods Act or CGA.

In Australia you are not allowed a TLD unless you are an Australian registered company.

wembley1 - 2020-12-12 15:00:00
lythande1 wrote:

Mobile Fun is the New Zealand's leading online mobile accessories retailer —..................Based in Birmingham since we started the company in 2000, ..........................oper-
ates through offices and dedicated websites around the world, including Australia ( ), United Kingdom ( ), United States ( ), France ( ) and Spain ( ).

It's not a "trick". some businesses have multiple worldwide sites.

Of course it's a trick of sorts. They are NOT "New Zealand's leading online mobile accessories retailer " could they be ? The DON'T have any business based in Nz at all. What they do have is an NZ domain name. That does not make them any kind of Nz business at all.

nice_lady - 2020-12-12 15:19:00
nice_lady wrote:

Of course it's a trick of sorts. They are NOT "New Zealand's leading online mobile accessories retailer " could they be ? The DON'T have any business based in Nz at all. What they do have is an NZ domain name. That does not make them any kind of Nz business at all.

Yes, trickery is a polite word, another one is is just another ploy to make the uninitiated believe they are dealing with an NZ merchant.

bwg11 - 2020-12-12 15:34:00
wembley1 wrote:

It is a trick - as they are not a NZ business they are not subject to the Sale of Goods Act or CGA.

In Australia you are not allowed a TLD unless you are an Australian registered company.

If that's correct how do you explain their website?

supernova2 - 2020-12-12 16:49:00
supernova2 wrote:

If that's correct how do you explain their website?

They have a registered business in AU - Mobile Zap Limited

casualobserver - 2020-12-12 17:01:00

I don't see this as any kind of trickery, the does nothing more than provide an indication of where the domain name is registered - it says absolutely nothing about the business location or even website host location...

just because it has NZ or new zealand in the name (or anywhere for that matter ) is no reason to assume it's actually from/in NZ. For example, someone might be hosting a website from china - but why would you assume automatically they live in NZ... you might look at the content and decide for yourself if they know what they're talking about...

it's really no different to how some businesses having big glossy websites, but in reality it's some no name working out of garage... Buyer beware is all I say...

Edited by king1 at 5:47 pm, Sat 12 Dec

king1 - 2020-12-12 17:44:00

I personally agree 100% with the "Let the buyer beware", philosophy, but the NZ consumer is so protected by our consumer laws which are designed to protect the lowest denominator of humanity from their own stupidity, the great unwashed are not aware of such subtleties. They think a NZ sounding URL is local, therefore safe, so I see these examples as blatant deception or trickery.

bwg11 - 2020-12-12 21:03:00

its like trademe letting dropshippers from australia and the UK list items. Pisses me off, I hardly buy anything on here now.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-12-12 21:25:00
king1 wrote:

I don't see this as any kind of trickery, the does nothing more than provide an indication of where the domain name is registered -.

To the ordinary citizen the means it's a NZ site. Statements on the site like this one "Mobile Fun is the New Zealand's leading online mobile accessories retailer" are of course designed to reinforce that perception.

Yeah. It's trickery.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:26 pm, Sat 12 Dec

nice_lady - 2020-12-12 21:25:00

at worst it's just marketing BS, no different to what many NZ companies do (here's looking at you telcos)

I mean how many clues do you need, there's a NZ flag with a dropdown to choose which country, 5 million+ orders shipped & 170,000 customer reviews - not exactly hiding the fact they are an international store... freight times and costs are another very clear indicator...

king1 - 2020-12-12 22:37:00

Oh sure. If you *Look*. Which many don't, unfortunately.

nice_lady - 2020-12-13 05:49:00

Hang on, the big problem is that you ordered something before the 15th wanting it before Xmas and you have assumed it won't get here in time as UK based company.

Have you actually got an ETA and know it won't arrive in time?

I know international shipping, in particular out of China has been affected by Covid this year but a lot of these online businesses are very efficient.

I have used a UK based store for bicycle gear a couple of times (Pro Bike Kit - PBK) and was impressed as not only were they set up with prices in $NZD, but the bag of stuff arrived within a couple of days of ordering. Same with a US based motorbike place ( Revzilla) I ordered a jacket from. Basically they delivered within similar time frames as some NZ based firms.

I prefer to buy locally even paying a little bit more, but many of these overseas places will ship within hours of ordering and have very efficient delivery systems that will ship goods from the fastest distribution centre regardless of where the company HQ is based or which localized website you brought from.

On the website, it totally makes sense for me. Many big international companies have localized domains ; like Air NZ has domains like, which takes you to the website localized for Australia and showing prices in $AUD. Even if a company (like many on TM) has a NZ website, NZ office address and NZ registered company, they will drop ship from overseas and so be no faster than overseas companies.. and could be slower

gblack - 2020-12-13 08:56:00
nice_lady wrote:

Oh sure. If you *Look*. Which many don't, unfortunately.

which makes it simply a case of ignorance, and buyer beware...

king1 - 2020-12-13 08:59:00

Thanks for all the responses. I feel a little relieved now. I am usually so careful but that site hides it so very well. Lesson learned. I have heard back from them stating it will be sent out their Monday. I doubt it will be here by christmas, but that's ok, just want it to arrive.

Edited by jan2242 at 11:53 am, Mon 14 Dec

jan2242 - 2020-12-14 11:52:00
jan2242 wrote:

Thanks for all the responses. I feel a little relieved now. I am usually so careful but that site hides it so very well. Lesson learned. I have heard back from them stating it will be sent out their Monday. I doubt it will be here by christmas, but that's ok, just want it to arrive.

If you look there is a 'track my order' function on the mobilefun web page, that might help with your anxiousness.

muppet_slayer - 2020-12-14 12:13:00

Know I want to know.. will the order make it?

Please let us know

gblack - 2020-12-14 18:36:00
king1 wrote:

I don't see this as any kind of trickery, the does nothing more than provide an indication of where the domain name is registered -.

Exactly. Not a trick.
I worked for NZs biggest domain/hosting co once, it was common for companies to do NZ companies...they'd go register a .com or whatever overseas too to expand business.

lythande1 - 2020-12-14 18:50:00

I am one of those pitiful ignorant people mentioned by a responder above who are stupid enough to think nz means it's a NZ business. Very grateful to have been alerted as I am passionate about doing business with NZ businesses who employ living in NZ, new zealanders. Thank you.

hesian - 2020-12-14 19:07:00

This gem from Consumer NZ CEO John Duffy suggests that you may not be alone in your ignorance........ (copied from NZ Herald article re early boxing day sales)

Duffy said there are a number of things people can do to protect themselves while buying products online.

"Know who you are buying from, look for a '' website if you are wanting to buy locally. It is also worth asking if the product is in stock and the expected delivery time before buying

asmawa1 - 2020-12-24 14:31:00
asmawa1 wrote:

"Know who you are buying from, look for a '' website if you are wanting to buy locally

Wasn't much help to the OP. It's a tricky world out there.

nice_lady - 2020-12-24 15:13:00

I think it says more about John Duffy to be honest, clearly he is misinformed about what a domain actually represents...

king1 - 2020-12-24 16:31:00
king1 wrote:

I think it says more about John Duffy to be honest, clearly he is misinformed about what a domain actually represents...

Either that or he's trying to be simplistic for the 'average' punter ? Not necessarily going to be that helpful tho.

nice_lady - 2020-12-24 17:10:00

For clarity I was replying to the self depreciating post above mine from 'hesian'

asmawa1 - 2020-12-25 17:41:00

This particular company is actually not too bad to deal with. I ordered a product from them last Feb, then along came COVID and no reliable shipping etc. Contacted them end of March to see where product was, they replied it had been shipped and if it was not with me in the following 2 weeks to contact them again.

2 weeks goes by, no product, so contacted them and my money was refunded within 2 days.

Mid Oct, a parcel was in the letterbox and it was my product. Contacted them and let them know product had arrived, did they want payment returned to them or product sent back. The reply was "don't worry about it, you have waited long enough and seems like there will be the same delay sending it back, just keep it on us".

What else could anyone ask for??

guyh - 2020-12-25 20:08:00
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