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whats wrong with reminding tenants of there need to pay the rent first before they buy things they cant afford. We all have to pay our bills including the land lord .His bills dont go away because its Christmas. The kids need your
time not a flash present you cant afford. Once you get behind its very hard
to catch up

jkp58 - 2020-12-11 19:23:00

The member deleted this message.

dabountyhunter - 2020-12-11 19:52:00

The member deleted this message.

dabountyhunter - 2020-12-11 19:53:00


sw20 - 2020-12-11 23:56:00
jkp58 wrote:

whats wrong with reminding tenants of there need to pay the rent first before they buy things they cant afford. .....

As quoted further on in the Stuff article, "Associate Minister of Housing Poto Williams said Christmas was often a difficult and stressful time for many.

“I am disappointed in the lack of empathy and humanity displayed in this communication to tenants. It is not in the spirit of compassion, nor is it in the spirit of Christmas."

mazalinas - 2020-12-12 00:05:00

People shouldn't have to be reminded to pay their rent.
(After edit )

Edited by marte at 12:20 am, Sat 12 Dec

marte - 2020-12-12 00:20:00
mazalinas wrote:

As quoted further on in the Stuff article, "Associate Minister of Housing Poto Williams said Christmas was often a difficult and stressful time for many.

“I am disappointed in the lack of empathy and humanity displayed in this communication to tenants. It is not in the spirit of compassion, nor is it in the spirit of Christmas."

so it ok for your boss not to pay you so he can have a better christmas. These folks dont want the awful job of evicting tennants so they are just reminding the tenants to do the right thing as they have done the rest of the year and pay there rent before they spend on the wants rather than needs.Bills do not go away because it Christmas.Bills have no compasion
we all have them.

jkp58 - 2020-12-12 07:54:00

All they were doing is reminding existing tenants that this time of the year is where most terminations occur.
Keep your rent paid and no one will have an upset Xmas.

But PC bullshiatters take offence.
Like toasters have warnings NOT to put your fingers or knives inside, because you may get electrocuted.

smallwoods - 2020-12-12 08:37:00

Landlords could just wait till rent is 22 days overdue and apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for termination. Or just terminate the tenancy with a 90 day notice for no reason while they can.

Either is Ok but a polite message of consequences to the tenant is not Ok?

artemis - 2020-12-12 09:40:00

'the spirit of Christmas' but rent is payable all year. Do landlords deserve any 'spirit' when there is a housing crisis? Government needs private landlords more than ever.

Edited by amasser at 1:33 pm, Sat 12 Dec

amasser - 2020-12-12 13:32:00

I read the article and felt rather insulted. I am a tenant and of course realise that you need to pay rent throughout the year. I felt it was treating me and my family like either an idiot or a 2yr old. Just my thoughts

chiz - 2020-12-12 18:39:00

Personally I thought that the housing is the most important thing to spend money on first as one really wants shelter more than other things.

tygertung - 2020-12-12 19:16:00

I don't think rent shop would be sending out this type of e-mail without a bit of experience in what can typically happen. Yes its a bit on the nose if you are a good tenant. but geez just shrug and discard, its not intended for you.
If it does remind a few people that its foolhardy to consider ditching the rent in favour of Christmas, then that can only be a good thing.

heather902 - 2020-12-12 19:41:00

A extra $2 a week added to the rent would give a landlord enough for a $100 bonus each year to every tenant who didn't have any arrears during the year.

marte - 2020-12-12 20:47:00
jkp58 wrote:

whats wrong with reminding tenants of there need to pay the rent first before they buy things they cant afford. We all have to pay our bills including the land lord .His bills dont go away because its Christmas. The kids need your
time not a flash present you cant afford. Once you get behind its very hard
to catch up

I agree with you. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t though eh?
If I was a landlord I’d be grateful that my property manager was being proactive, at least he’s trying to ensure the tenants don’t get in the crap. If I was the tenant then at least I’ve been told the consequences of my bad choices if I decide to ignore my contractual obligations...

lovelurking - 2020-12-12 21:41:00
marte wrote:

A extra $2 a week added to the rent would give a landlord enough for a $100 bonus each year to every tenant who didn't have any arrears during the year.

Why should a tenant be "rewarded" for doing what they have to do and have signed up to do. I would think that 95%+ of all house sales go through without problem with everybody doing what they signed up to do on the due date, I see no call for the seller to "reward" the buyer for this, or visa versa !!!

onl_148 - 2020-12-18 11:49:00
jkp58 wrote:

whats wrong with reminding tenants of there need to pay the rent first before they buy things they cant afford. We all have to pay our bills including the land lord .His bills dont go away because its Christmas. The kids need your
time not a flash present you cant afford. Once you get behind its very hard
to catch up

Grammer police here. You mean "of their" not of there.

megan109 - 2020-12-19 19:26:00
onl_148 wrote:

Why should a tenant be "rewarded" for doing what they have to do and have signed up to do. I would think that 95%+ of all house sales go through without problem with everybody doing what they signed up to do on the due date, I see no call for the seller to "reward" the buyer for this, or visa versa !!!

They are not being rewarded, it's the Landlord who's sending them some gratification for not effing the landlord about with the rent.
Tenant paid the $100 in the first place anyway.
Considering that the 'Tenant' may be getting part of that tent $$ off the other flatmates & so therefore is going thru a multitude of equally important transactions weekly, for no particular financial benefit to themselves while still exposed to all the pitfalls & ungratefullness that one can expect in financial dealings with other people.

marte - 2020-12-19 20:52:00
megan109 wrote:

Grammer police here. You mean "of their" not of there.

Jeez. Firstly, it's "Grammar" not Grammer.

And you missed 2x "cant", 2 x "its", and a "dont". And a "land lord" and if we're being picky a full stop in the wrong place before "His".

sparkychap - 2020-12-19 20:59:00
marte wrote:

They are not being rewarded, it's the Landlord who's sending them some gratification for not effing the landlord about with the rent.
Tenant paid the $100 in the first place anyway.

The suggestion seems to be overcharge the tenant by $ 100 and give it back to them if they're good boys and girls. How absurd, and arguably unlawful.

sparkychap - 2020-12-19 21:02:00
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