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Dropbox & ESET NOD32


I'm no computer wizz but I'm sure someone here can help.
My Dropbox refuses to sync today. The error message is "Can't establish a secure internet connection".
A Google search shows discussion about problems between Dropbox and ESET - surely one of those great corporates could fix a compatibility problem! Any advice is appreciated.

sun-flower - 2020-12-11 15:57:00

Eset has caused a few ssl problems in email recently. Havent noticed it but maybe is affecting dropbox too. In advanced settings under web and email i think, you need to disable ssl filtering, then repeat process to turn on again

king1 - 2020-12-11 16:09:00

Just leave it disabled IMO - more trouble than it's worth and causes as many potential security issues as it solves.

vtecintegra - 2020-12-11 16:13:00

Thanks for that. I have disabled ssl filtering and now Dropbox has synced. Do you think it's safe to leave the ssl filtering disabled long term please?
I appreciate your help!

king1 wrote:

Eset has caused a few ssl problems in email recently. Havent noticed it but maybe is affecting dropbox too. In advanced settings under web and email i think, you need to disable ssl filtering, then repeat process to turn on again

sun-flower - 2020-12-11 17:18:00

tried it on one here that had the same problem, just needed to close dropbox down from it's menu, before turning the ssl back on, then restart dropbox

king1 - 2020-12-11 19:18:00

ok that was a fail back to it's usual can't connect - might have to leave the SSL off as suggested, it's not ideal but not the end of the world.

king1 - 2020-12-11 19:43:00

If you need to filter SSL then you've got bigger problems to worry about.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-12-11 19:52:00

apparently this one is a dropbox issue - tested and working

update with this beta version

king1 - 2020-12-11 21:24:00

Thanks so much King1 - Did the Beta update and problem fixed. Appreciated :-)

king1 wrote:

apparently this one is a dropbox issue - tested and working

update with this beta version

sun-flower - 2020-12-12 12:06:00
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