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NZ Property Solutions Investments.


Hi, I had this ad pop up on Facebook so took another looked and enquired. Anyone heard of these guys, are these types of offers too good to be true? Looking at possibly investing in something as I have a small bit of cash I could invest. Currently building on Family land so even though I am investing my own money in to that I don't have my name on any assets if that makes sense. Any advice appreciated. Thanks

edited to add link

Edited by mutton2 at 7:25 am, Fri 11 Dec

mutton2 - 2020-12-11 07:24:00

The only way I can make those cash flow positive is to make the loan interest only, not principle and interest. Use a bank tool like this and see for yourself:

sparkychap - 2020-12-11 07:54:00

I am always suspicious when I read of “guaranteed rent promises for 2 years” especially when it’s still a work in progress...

lovelurking - 2020-12-11 08:40:00
lovelurking wrote:

I am always suspicious when I read of “guaranteed rent promises for 2 years” especially when it’s still a work in progress...

I saw the ad and thought the very same thing. Best avoided.
If you have spare money, pay down debt, pay down mortgage, make contributions to your Kiwisaver. If you have a little bit of money left after that I would look at learning about the sharemarket by putting a little into Sharesies.

shanreagh - 2020-12-11 09:59:00

I block all property investment ads on FB as they come up out of habit.

sweetgurl108 - 2020-12-11 10:38:00

The company is behind in its reporting to the Companies office and they have started to delist them.

One of the Director/Shareholders appears to be this guy....

Lotto tickets would offer a more guaranteed return.

Edited by tony9 at 11:38 am, Fri 11 Dec

tony9 - 2020-12-11 11:35:00

Can't comment on these guys however plenty of options out there including FMT and SCP (not a professional recommendation) who have been around for years and have over $1 billion under management.

jeffqv - 2020-12-11 11:59:00

Thanks guys for the info. I'll go with the "if it seems to good to be true" moto You guys will probably have them popping up on your news feed now sorry!

mutton2 - 2020-12-11 13:37:00

I'm not sure that I would be interested in an "investment opportunity" brought to my attention via Facebook !! it is very much like the "but wait there is more" products that are not available in stores! grossly overpriced rubbish products that no right minded "main stream" retailer want to stock and end up with a warehouse full of.
If any "investment opportunity" is any good / reliable etc it will come to you via a reliable source in a legitimate way... this of course is no lron clad guantanee, but it is a good start...

onl_148 - 2020-12-18 12:15:00
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