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Firefox crashing


Have had this a few times over recent weeks mainly on facebook. A message comes up allowing me to restore open tabs and report the incident to Firefox. Anyone else had this problem? Is it anything to worry about?

paulmc - 2020-12-05 23:01:00

Yes, I find the facebook to be terribly resource intensive and it will only run now on my more modern machines. The website is badly written.

tygertung - 2020-12-06 06:45:00

To eliminate a common problem with a lot of browser, clear out the history. In Firefox just go into "settings , Privacy and Security and you will find there a button to clear the history.
You will be presented with another page. Here use the drop box at the top to select "everything" and make sure ONLY the following boxes are ticked..
Browsing history and download , cache , cookies , Offline web site data.
Then just hit the OK button.

pheonix - 2020-12-06 21:10:00
pheonix wrote:

To eliminate a common problem with a lot of browser, clear out the history. In Firefox just go into "settings , Privacy and Security and you will find there a button to clear the history.
You will be presented with another page. Here use the drop box at the top to select "everything" and make sure ONLY the following boxes are ticked..
Browsing history and download , cache , cookies , Offline web site data.
Then just hit the OK button.

Given that the history is only a pile of files, how would that impact its performance?

tegretol - 2020-12-06 21:12:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2020-12-06 22:04:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2020-12-06 22:05:00

Have tried Microsoft Edge and after 1 day, it started crashing too. Not just on Facebook. Also on Gmail, Metservice, any large file eg. PDF files.
Have used ccleaner to clean registry, cookies, cache, etc.
Have rebooted modem.
Computers 'C' disc has plenty of space left - 126gb free.
Windows Defender hasn't shown any problems.
Any ideas?

paulmc - 2020-12-10 21:14:00

Have you tried Google Chrome as suggested to you in your other thread ?
If that crashes too maybe it would be time for you to look carefully at what YOU are doing to cause these crashes.

Edited by perfectimages at 9:27 pm, Thu 10 Dec

perfectimages - 2020-12-10 21:22:00

Use HD Sentinel to check the hard drive health.

nice_lady - 2020-12-10 21:28:00

I checked memory usage in task manager. It was around 80% when using Firefox or Edge. I have 4GB RAM. I downloaded Chrome and am now only using around 60%. Problem solved!

Edited by paulmc at 1:27 am, Sat 12 Dec

paulmc - 2020-12-12 01:25:00

I don't understand why firefox should need to use so much ram these days.

tygertung - 2020-12-12 06:08:00
tegretol wrote:

Given that the history is only a pile of files, how would that impact its performance?

Have you ever cleared your history and wondered why pages take a little longer to load up. It is because browsers use the history. If you are going to the same web page , why reload if it is faster when a quick check shows page unchanged , and can be loaded from your own stored history. It was originally done to save data and speed the browsing up. Now either because of history corruption or the new page has a subtle change , the whole page can not load correctly. Most Techs know this and it is ususally one of the first things to do and so eliminate this as a cause.
But really , the whole computer is really just a pile of files and look how often crashes happen.

pheonix - 2020-12-12 11:23:00
paulmc wrote:

I checked memory usage in task manager. It was around 80% when using Firefox or Edge. I have 4GB RAM. I downloaded Chrome and am now only using around 60%. Problem solved!

I'll have to start using chrome again, as I have the same problem with Firefox crashing. I only started using it because it seemed to load a bit faster than chrome. Since 'upgrading' to windows 10, FF crashes several times a day!

Edited by lyl_guy at 11:26 am, Sat 12 Dec

lyl_guy - 2020-12-12 11:26:00

I tried all the 'quick' fixes like clearing caches, changing a few settings, checking all my 'add-ons' etc - nothing made any difference.

lyl_guy - 2020-12-12 11:27:00

Update on the FF crashes. My son-in-law was over on xmas day and fixed it! He installed 'Ublock Origin' (instead of the old AdBlock Pro), 'Privacy Badger' which blocks trackers, 'No Coin', and 'Facebook Container'. I'm not commenting on any of the above (as I don't know enough about them) except that it worked beautifully, and have not had one crash since then. Before that my firefox was crashing every time I used it.

lyl_guy - 2020-12-27 09:28:00
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