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Help ! She put her horses


on my land with the promise that she'd pay $x a month, starting in August,
No good deed goes unpunished, there was not a lot of feed there at the time and I told her I had doubts they would get enough feed.
SPCA got in touch with me about how skinny they were.
I told her I wanted them gone. To date, I've had no payments and now I'm getting some really threatening texts from her.
We had no formal agreement. I've had good results in the past with such arrangements, More fool me.
Any advice gratefully received.

mcgolly - 2020-12-03 22:38:00

Give her a date for them to be gone or else you will be disposing of them to pay towards expenses. Put it in writing so you have a record. Otherwise let the SPCA take the horses before you're in trouble with them. What is she threatening you with as you have done nothing wrong?

Not the same as your situation as we were grazing a friend's little TB stallion when he had to shift him but we didn't charge grazing. One night his owners drunk father tackled my husband and accused us of not looking after the horse---he had never seen him at our place. Husband told him that was fine, come and pick him up in the morning, he'll be tied to the lamp post in front of the paddock. He backtracked rapidly. The horse was supposed to be here three weeks but he was here 8 years until he died. I loved having him here and he was quiet enough for kids and learners to ride around the paddock. He had played polo so was well schooled and quiet plus left nice foals the odd time we used him.

kacy5 - 2020-12-03 23:18:00

I'd ring the SPCA and tell them that someone has abandoned some horses on your land - they better come get them......

dazarae - 2020-12-03 23:26:00
dazarae wrote:

I'd ring the SPCA and tell them that someone has abandoned some horses on your land - they better come get them......

Basicly true

calostemma - 2020-12-03 23:38:00

This message was deleted.

roysmrs - 2020-12-04 12:20:00

Sounds like both parties are jockeying for position.

johnston - 2020-12-04 12:51:00

OP been saddled with a few horses

omamari - 2020-12-04 13:07:00

Are they there during the day, because they sound like nightmares?

sparkychap - 2020-12-04 13:08:00
sparkychap wrote:

Are they there during the day, because they sound like nightmares?

I cannot pick it. They are neck and neck.

johnston - 2020-12-04 13:35:00
sparkychap wrote:

Are they there during the day, because they sound like nightmares?


johnston - 2020-12-04 13:37:00
johnston wrote:


the owner definitely needs reining in

sparkychap - 2020-12-04 13:51:00

The owner of the horses needs to 'ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross' by the sounds of it.

shanreagh - 2020-12-04 13:52:00
mcgolly wrote:

SPCA got in touch with me about how skinny they were....

Sounds like the neigh-bor dobbed you in, and whilst I would hate for the pun and hilarity to stall, in all seriousness, I do hope you've put the animals welfare first.

desi1969 - 2020-12-04 14:04:00
desi1969 wrote:

Sounds like the neigh-bor dobbed you in, and whilst I would hate for the pun and hilarity to stall, in all seriousness, I do hope you've put the animals welfare first.

I bet.

johnston - 2020-12-04 14:33:00
desi1969 wrote:

Sounds like the neigh-bor dobbed you in, and whilst I would hate for the pun and hilarity to stall, in all seriousness, I do hope you've put the animals welfare first.

It sounds like a tale of whoa.

johnston - 2020-12-04 14:38:00

Please do not saddle the OP with your snide remarks, as she may be in for the high jump. She must reflect on the problem, before the horse has bolted, so to speak. This is a situation where the land owner may end in the court arena and if the judge gets the bit between his teeth, it could end badly.

smallwoods - 2020-12-04 16:16:00

OP has been taken for a ride and the horse has bolted but I'm sure OP will get it all sorted out on the home straight. Could be a photo finish with the SPCA involved..

strathview - 2020-12-04 16:26:00

The op hasn't returned. Maybe she's a one trick pony.

johnston - 2020-12-04 16:59:00
mcgolly wrote:

on my land with the promise that she'd pay $x a month, starting in August,
No good deed goes unpunished, there was not a lot of feed there at the time and I told her I had doubts they would get enough feed.
SPCA got in touch with me about how skinny they were.
I told her I wanted them gone. To date, I've had no payments and now I'm getting some really threatening texts from her.
We had no formal agreement. I've had good results in the past with such arrangements, More fool me.
Any advice gratefully received.

No formal lease but a lease nevertheless. Either enforce or cancel your lease through the Disputes Tribunal.

Edited by johnston at 6:16 pm, Fri 4 Dec

johnston - 2020-12-04 18:15:00

Someone is horsing around with you

catwoman1974 - 2020-12-04 18:41:00
johnston wrote:

No formal lease but a lease nevertheless. Either enforce or cancel your lease through the Disputes Tribunal.

Most people usually pay grazing on a weekly basis for their horses but if going through the DT it could take too long and the OP will have to feed the horses or suffer the wrath of the SPCA since there has been a complaint.

kacy5 - 2020-12-04 19:22:00
johnston wrote:

No formal lease but a lease nevertheless. Either enforce or cancel your lease through the Disputes Tribunal.

ie an each way bet

zak21 - 2020-12-04 19:28:00

The member deleted this message.

johnston - 2020-12-04 20:38:00
zak21 wrote:

ie an each way bet

It's a long shot.

johnston - 2020-12-04 20:39:00

did anyone take the horse to water and make it drink ?

jethrocat - 2020-12-04 22:11:00
jethrocat wrote:

did anyone take the horse to water and make it drink ?

Nope, tried that in another recent thread. It didn't work.

johnston - 2020-12-04 22:45:00

All this joking around ... it is an animal welfare issue. Does she tend to them at all, or was that part of the agreement with you. If they are getting in bad shape I would talk to the SPCA and get their advice. Will they uplift them, do you have to advertise them as abandoned in the paper etc.

koru67 - 2020-12-05 08:35:00

Poor horses. I think you need to surrender them to the SPCA if they’ve been abandoned.

rmdstar - 2020-12-05 08:56:00
dazarae wrote:

I'd ring the SPCA and tell them that someone has abandoned some horses on your land - they better come get them......

yes do this before the poor things get any worse. has she been supplementary feeding them with hard feed? hay? grain etc to cover the grass loss? most horses dont need grass alone. in-fact it should be a small portion of their diet depending on history and breed. best of luck

orie - 2020-12-05 09:10:00

Sorry to say this, but I think OP has been a foal to get into this situation.

sparkychap - 2020-12-05 09:12:00
sparkychap wrote:

Sorry to say this, but I think OP has been a foal to get into this situation.

Nah, looked at using that.
It sounds as bad as it looks.

smallwoods - 2020-12-05 13:07:00
sparkychap wrote:

Sorry to say this, but I think OP has been a foal to get into this situation.

Horses often get abandoned like this, the equivalent of leaving them in a box on the orphanage doorstep.

apollo11 - 2020-12-05 13:40:00
apollo11 wrote:

Horses often get abandoned like this, the equivalent of leaving them in a box on the orphanage doorstep.

Yep easier to foist them on the neigh-bours.

sparkychap - 2020-12-05 13:47:00
apollo11 wrote:

Horses often get abandoned like this, the equivalent of leaving them in a box on the orphanage doorstep.

Add in, old cars, storage containers, house buses/caravans, stuff in storage.

marte - 2020-12-05 17:05:00
marte wrote:

Add in, old cars, storage containers, house buses/caravans, stuff in storage.

I'll volunteer my property if anyone wants to abandon any storage containers, house buses or caravans, I'll find a use for those.

Horses are pretty useless though. They tear the hell out of your paddock, decide to gallop past the house in the middle of the night, eat the shrubs out of your garden, poo on the driveway etc.

apollo11 - 2020-12-05 18:35:00

Tell the owner not to nag you.

masturbidder - 2020-12-05 22:56:00

Tell her to pay up,take her horses and hoof it!

zak21 - 2020-12-06 15:07:00
mcgolly wrote:

on my land with the promise that she'd pay $x a month, starting in August,
No good deed goes unpunished, there was not a lot of feed there at the time and I told her I had doubts they would get enough feed.
SPCA got in touch with me about how skinny they were.
I told her I wanted them gone. To date, I've had no payments and now I'm getting some really threatening texts from her.
We had no formal agreement. I've had good results in the past with such arrangements, More fool me.
Any advice gratefully received.

I knew someone who got stuck with a dog whose owner went into care. The dog was not in very good condition so the person was advised to contact SPCA. Big mistake as the person who did not own the dog was charged with animal neglect by SPCA and fined and has a conviction. Be extremely careful when taking on other people's pets. Not worth the risk of getting into trouble with SPCA .

megan109 - 2020-12-06 22:13:00

I had a dog turn up on my property, so I called the Council for them to pick it up.
Two weeks plus 3 days later they turn up to ask why I haven't registered it because "You have to register it within 2 weeks"....

So don't tell them how long it's been there & get something in evidence when you do report it, and unless you know the persons full name, exactly how it's spelt & you are 100% sure of that, with proof, then you don't know their name.

Edited by marte at 11:42 pm, Sun 6 Dec

marte - 2020-12-06 23:41:00
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