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Effect of Climate Change Declaration


"Government buildings larger than 2000 square metres will need to meet a new energy efficiency standard by 2025, while new builds and leases will need to meet green building standards."

"The motion itself will have no practical effect on laws or the running of the country, but instead symbolically signals that the Government saw climate change as an emergency."

Electric wood gas cooker.....forego cars and take the bus to work....

aklreels - 2020-12-03 07:42:00

Taxes will go up.
Power prices will rise.
Auckland council will add another 'targeted rate'.
Transport will get worse.
More changes to rental laws, maybe a LL tax.
... and the NZ electrical distribution system will not cope with the extra load in the N Island.

What's not to look forward to?

masturbidder - 2020-12-03 09:33:00
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