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Anyone here play HOUSIE?...question please


I havent been to a housie for 20 years. I see the ones advertised all mention 'dabbers' and/or 'books'. Do you have to play using a dabber or can I still use counters or coins? Are books little individual paper sheets that are used a fresh one for each game or can you still buy cards before the housie starts? Thanks for any help. Seemed like the only thread I could place this in..

robin23 - 2020-11-25 14:15:00

if you use coins they can be knocked and you forget what numbers you had, dabbers are stamps that are permanant, books are like five different games of the session, I hope this is helpful

grandad-doug - 2020-11-25 19:42:00

Thanks grandad-doug. Id only ever used coins and still would like to but was just wondering if you HAVE to use dabbers nowadays. But I guess coins would fall off if using books

robin23 - 2020-11-25 20:30:00

My Mum plays, she played lastnight. You can use both but dabbers make things so much simpler and they don't cost much either, and they last well. Coins are a thing of the past and housie has moved on and streamlined in a lot of ways so clunky coins don't really cut it now. Mum was a coin user back in the day when they used big single cardboard cards. They're still around in the community where individuals hold their own housies from home but not so much in the organised housies, they use books and electronic callers now.

muppet_slayer - 2020-11-26 00:54:00
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