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Getting lawyer to look at contract pre auction


What are the pitfalls of not getting lawyer to look at auction document title and lim report and then buying st auction.

ruby466 - 2020-11-25 02:22:00
ruby466 wrote:

What are the pitfalls of not getting lawyer to look at auction document title and lim report and then buying st auction.

You may have purchased the property without vendor warranties and with defects in the title.

You may not be able to use and enjoy the property as you thought.

johnston - 2020-11-25 05:31:00

Depends on how good you are at reading the contract and your comprehension of the law, if you understand everything and have done due diligence then OK, if not then who knows, even going to a lawyer you can have problems if things are overlooked, for peace of mind I would get a lawyer to oversee the documents, two eyes better than one, Each to their own. Good luck.

msigg - 2020-11-25 07:13:00
ruby466 wrote:

What are the pitfalls of not getting lawyer to look at auction document title and lim report and then buying st auction.

that you will object to paying for their time when your unsuccessful would be the major pitfall as you slunk into the you havent done any work for me as I was not successful mode.

gabbysnana - 2020-11-25 12:57:00

The lawyers time charges for sorting out a "self inflicted mess" tend to be higher than the charges for running their experienced eye of the pre-sales paperwork and advising accordingly !

onl_148 - 2020-11-25 13:17:00

The pitfalls are you buy a dog and don't know it. You cannot rely on any third party LIM or any other report.

jeffqv - 2020-11-25 13:51:00
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