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saving gigs


I am thinking to changing to a very cheap provided. for this they give me 20 gigs a month
now--does it matter how many junk emails are downloaded? do they count to the total gigs once on the server?
any more unnecessary items I can delete to save my bill.

win 10 desktop plus ipad. I do not watch videos or movies,no online gaming. Just a bit of browsing.

lilyfield - 2020-11-20 15:32:00

Junk emails don't count for anything other than your email storage, providing you are using webmail and you don't open them.
If using an email client and downloading all emails to your computer, then yes, anything downloaded counts in your allowance.

An adblocker will reduce your traffic, especially when browsing as the ads are blocked from downloading.

nzstocked - 2020-11-20 16:31:00

How many gigs are you currently consuming per month, that will give you some idea how much you need to be concerned about junk emails.

skull - 2020-11-20 16:59:00

al good so far. do you of a raffic meter(free) that can be hecked by more than a day.My provider does this. But say usage after any skype video call
also does reading Stuff ,news, at length matter?

I also heard and need this confirmed that facebook and TM browsing is not counted

sorry .I am old----and still learning

lilyfield - 2020-11-20 17:02:00

20 gigs is heaps if you are not watching much video or doing too much downloading.

20 gigs should be sufficient for general browsing.

tygertung - 2020-11-20 18:34:00
lilyfield wrote:

I am thinking to changing to a very cheap provided. for this they give me 20 gigs a month
now--does it matter how many junk emails are downloaded? do they count to the total gigs once on the server?
any more unnecessary items I can delete to save my bill.

win 10 desktop plus ipad. I do not watch videos or movies,no online gaming. Just a bit of browsing.

Not a lot of difference between speeds, data allowances & prices these days.
Just remember that ANYTHING you view on your screen via the internet, IS data used.

Some ppl thought that because they didn't actively download anything, then it didn't count as data used.

You NEED to have a look at your usage over the last few months to get a reasonable idea of what you will be needing for the next few months.
Compare that to what the providers are offerings & then add another least 50% more on the data cap

mrfxit - 2020-11-20 18:43:00
tygertung wrote:

20 gigs is heaps if you are not watching much video or doing too much downloading.

20 gigs should be sufficient for general browsing.

Windows updates/ AV updates/ emails downloaded/ advertising from webpages/ cookies etc can easily chew up that 20gb some months

mrfxit - 2020-11-20 18:45:00

Some providers may not count Facebook and/or TM but I"d be suprised if that was the case.

EVERY thing you read, look at listen to etc is 'downloaded'.
If you use WEB mail as stated above and do not use a program such as Ms Outlook, Thuderbird, EM Client, etc etc to collect your mail and you do NOT read the junk mail then it shouldn't be counted.

What uses the most internet data ?

Video with sound (including Skype video calls !)
Downloading Movies
System updates can be very high usage also, (especially Windows ones).
Downloading music
Any other moving stuff - Adverts/Gifs/ cartoons
Image heavy webpages, (lots of high quality pics).

Reading the news wont use a lot. If you read Stuff news be very careful that you turn all autoplay videos off.

As per what Dave says above - anything you look at is in fact downloaded. You're not looking through a window into the internet it's coming into your house and being delivered.

Edited by nice_lady at 6:51 pm, Fri 20 Nov

nice_lady - 2020-11-20 18:47:00

thanks lady beautifully explained
I was right my friends advised different.

how to turn all auto videos Off?

only plan on one hour video calls per month
hopefully this is covered in my allowance.

why I want a cheaper deal is simply my objection to paying for something I never use.
Is there a way to delay updates to the beginning of the month ?

lilyfield - 2020-11-20 20:09:00

Have you looked at and considered Skinny Jump? $5 for 30g and you can renew this five times per month ie $25 for 150g.

lancslass - 2020-11-21 07:13:00

Is isn’t this for phones only ?

lilyfield - 2020-11-21 08:37:00

It is easily possible to stay well under 20 Gigs a month. However I would strongly suggest that you do NOT go with a plan than occurs a major cost if you go over the 20 Gigs. A simple mistake such a leaving the wrong thing running with a video or a visitor coming and watching netflix / youtube on their laptop for a couple of days could cost you more than you save in several years. Maybe you should say what plan you are looking at getting

duncb - 2020-11-21 09:25:00

Vodafone goldnet

lilyfield - 2020-11-21 10:45:00
lilyfield wrote:

Is isn’t this for phones only ?

No, I had this until recently and used a laptop, my phone was separate. Worth checking out.

lancslass - 2020-11-21 13:28:00
mrfxit wrote:

Windows updates/ AV updates/ emails downloaded/ advertising from webpages/ cookies etc can easily chew up that 20gb some months

Does windows updates really use that much? Wow! AV is no longer required for windows as it is built in now, and never required for Linux. Don't know about Apple Macintosh.

tygertung - 2020-11-21 13:48:00
lilyfield wrote:

Is isn’t this for phones only ?

No. You could find this out very easily by looking it up. Very few people would need 30GB per month, (or indeed - up to 150GB per month which is what they allow at max), on a phone and anyway they mention that you can have the 30GB per month plus a landline. Why would they bundle a landline with a data plan for a mobile phone.

Also they mention a modem, which they supply and MUST be used at ONE nominated address. Obviously this is NOT any kind of phone plan.

Edited by nice_lady at 2:52 pm, Sat 21 Nov

nice_lady - 2020-11-21 14:46:00

see how old I am and only a little bit wiser.
Its all clear now and I have joined this plan. Looking forward to the better speed to avoid skype lagging
Thank you heaps lady---you are nice

lilyfield - 2020-11-21 15:59:00


nice_lady - 2020-11-21 16:48:00
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