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Choosing a modem for upgrade fr copper to fibre


I have fibre to the house but not installed yet. Existing connection is copper. I will be staying with Spark as my retailer. They supply a new modem.
I would welcome feedback on whether the modem they currently supply is adequate for moderate household use. Or suggestions on specifications for a modem to self-purchase.
Our household, 3 adults, doesn't have high usage at present but that may change. No gaming likely. No major uploads.
Feel free to comment off topic. (sorry, my sense of humour)

Edited by hkjoe at 12:16 am, Sun 15 Nov

hkjoe - 2020-11-15 00:12:00

Modem itself will be fine - most complaint are usually with WIFI range. Run with it and get a feel for it - see if it suits your needs. If you got probs with WIFI - just add a better access point to the current setup.

acura - 2020-11-15 01:07:00

The modem is fine. We use one, and are no longer with Spark.

lythande1 - 2020-11-15 07:51:00

as far as i seen the modems for fiber are owned by fiber company . From what it looked like to me looking at a box inside a house who has it but not used?

intrade - 2020-11-15 10:39:00

Maybe op is referring to the router supplied by ISP. Being correct the local fibre company provide the ONT which performs the job of a modem by converting fibre GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network - the layer2 protocol) to copper Ethernet (layer 2 protocol).

ISPs incorrectly refer to routers as modems so as not to confuse their customer service representatives.

Edited by spyware at 11:07 am, Sun 15 Nov

spyware - 2020-11-15 11:05:00
spyware wrote:

Maybe op is referring to the router supplied by ISP. Being correct the local fibre company provide the ONT which performs the job of a modem by converting fibre GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network - the layer2 protocol) to copper Ethernet (layer 2 protocol).

ISPs incorrectly refer to routers as modems so as not to confuse their customer service representatives.

Yes your are correct. It is the router, which is the subject of my post. And the ONT is now the modem. In my present copper setup the modem is incorporated in the router. Although I have been using modems since 300baud dialup in the 1980s, I am not really up to date with the terminology now.

I guess I can take the one supplied by Spark and see how if performs.

Edited by hkjoe at 1:58 pm, Sun 15 Nov

hkjoe - 2020-11-15 13:55:00

Just one thing you might like to know is that you can avoid the delivery fee for the router by picking up from a Spark store

duncb - 2020-11-15 14:14:00

.. and Only get it if its free. Barely used ones go for dirt cheap on here.

acura - 2020-11-15 17:26:00
spyware wrote:

Being correct the local fibre company provide the ONT which performs the job of a modem by converting fibre GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network - the layer2 protocol) to copper Ethernet (layer 2 protocol).

ISPs incorrectly refer to routers as modems .

The local company does not. Chorus provides and owns the ONT. The ISP sometimes provides a modem, or yes correctly, a router which connects to the ONT.

lythande1 - 2020-11-16 07:02:00

The member deleted this message.

azza20 - 2020-11-16 22:16:00

I have just been quoted 106 $ for modem from spark to change to
Fiber. No way is it still free

lilyfield - 2020-11-16 22:21:00
lilyfield wrote:

I have just been quoted 106 $ for modem from spark to change to
Fiber. No way is it still free

Then change to another isp and sign up for the fibre package and get a free modem.

mber2 - 2020-11-16 22:41:00

Vodafone and Orcon supply a free modem there are probaly a few more if you look around. also probably cheaper than Spark as well.

mber2 - 2020-11-16 22:46:00

certainly will
vodafone is next

lilyfield - 2020-11-16 23:19:00

nothing wrong with the spark "modem". using one now even though the fibre doesnt get hooked up for 3 weeks. it may or may not "reach" far enough to cover your whole house but just go with a couple or more "powerline" type range extenders if you feel the need. that'll sort it all out for you.

illusion_ - 2020-11-18 19:50:00

I can understand that post nos 10 and 15 might both be correct, from different points of view, assumptions, or expectations.
Time will tell.

Edited by hkjoe at 8:28 pm, Wed 18 Nov

hkjoe - 2020-11-18 20:27:00
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