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dual sim phones


hey all, trying to solve a problem for a mate who has just got a new dual sim phone ( why aren't the more popular they are brilliant?)
BUT he has rapidly found a problem with it.. while in the standard android sms app the two sims installed appear as to small buttons right next to each other in the bottom right of the messenger window...

when writing a text he has to select which sim to send it on by pushing the corresponding sim name.. only they are so small and close together that he has managed to send it on the wrong sim several times. ( which just perplexes the receiver...)

is there and app or update that can be applied so the two sims can be separated to other parts of the screen to prevent accidental use?

pandana - 2020-11-10 18:02:00

currently he has resorted to turning one sim off while messaging the other..butt this is a pain since only one has unlimited data on it.. and if you forget to turn the main one back on.... hallo all the datas gone

pandana - 2020-11-10 18:03:00

You might need to tell us the exact make and model of phone and it's version of android. There are about a million different ones out there and otherwise people will be guessing blind and that wont help.

You could also suggest to him he uses the text app in Landscape mode which will make the icons bigger most likely.

Edited by nice_lady at 6:48 pm, Tue 10 Nov

nice_lady - 2020-11-10 18:47:00

oh sure.. samsung a31 running droid 10 .

changing it to landscape alas dosent change the size of the two buttons just rotates them 90 degrees

pandana - 2020-11-10 19:05:00

cant speak for the samsung but on my old motorola in the sim settings you could choose your preferred/default sim to use for sms, data and calls. that was an older G3. I don't have two sims in the G7 to see if its still the same unfortunately

king1 - 2020-11-10 19:31:00

Not sure with the Samsung but on many Android phones there are settings changes usually in the display settings options which can enable you to make things bigger, fonts, icons etc. Have A GOOD look around in there. You may be able to make the icons larger.

nice_lady - 2020-11-10 19:36:00
pandana wrote:

hey all, trying to solve a problem for a mate who has just got a new dual sim phone ( why aren't the more popular they are brilliant?)
BUT he has rapidly found a problem with it.. while in the standard android sms app the two sims installed appear as to small buttons right next to each other in the bottom right of the messenger window...

when writing a text he has to select which sim to send it on by pushing the corresponding sim name.. only they are so small and close together that he has managed to send it on the wrong sim several times. ( which just perplexes the receiver...)

is there and app or update that can be applied so the two sims can be separated to other parts of the screen to prevent accidental use?

There are quite a few different SMS apps, try the Google one (It's called Messages)

Super easy to swap between SIMs while typing a message, you just tap the sim icon and a menu appears that lets you choose between them

videomonkey - 2020-11-10 19:44:00

hey thanks videomonkey.

yes nice_lady we looked at the display settings.. trouble is if he makes the display text to big.. it stops some vital apps working properly ( you cant read the writing in them... lol)

pandana - 2020-11-10 20:20:00
videomonkey wrote:

There are quite a few different SMS apps, try the Google one (It's called Messages)

Super easy to swap between SIMs while typing a message, you just tap the sim icon and a menu appears that lets you choose between them

thanks a mil.. this is the fix... can stand the adds panel for how easy it makes it, note it also senses which sim a message has come in on and makes that the default for the return message - very nifty!

pandana - 2020-11-10 20:24:00

Google messages app doesn't have any 'ads panel'.....

nice_lady - 2020-11-10 20:36:00

hmm well this one does.... its called messages and it has a banner just below the title... but hey its doing the job.. one less google app the better then

pandana - 2020-11-10 20:48:00

It definitely shouldn't have ads! Make sure it's this app:

videomonkey - 2020-11-10 21:03:00

Go to Settings > Connections > SIM card manager > Preferred SIM card > Text messages

flower_tears - 2020-11-10 22:07:00

This message was deleted.

puddleduck00 - 2020-11-10 23:13:00

I have a dual SIM phone (Nokia 7.2) running Android 10, and there is a simple menu for switching SIM on each message.

Also in Settings/Network & Internet/SIM you can set default SIM and whether to ask for each call.

Android UI is normally well thought out, but Dual SIM handling is not right to me. It does get complicated as I know some Dual SIM users want to always force the use of one SIM for say data or messages depending on plan. For me though, with work and personal SIMs, I want workmate contacts or when replying to calls/messages on work SIM to default to using the work SIM and to have other contacts like my family and friends to use the personal SIM.

My old Motorola dual SIM, you could edit contacts and set which SIM to use, but can't seem to do that with Android 10

gblack - 2020-11-11 07:58:00

ETA: Sorry I only spent 10 seconds on Google and 5 Seconds on the playstore to find that so I'm not certain it's a good choice but it shows the possibilities and may indeed be an easy solution ?

Edited by nice_lady at 8:04 am, Wed 11 Nov

nice_lady - 2020-11-11 08:02:00
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