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Skinny 4G Internet.


We have been using ADSL for years now as it is pretty fast and is cheap enough.

We were using Flip, but they stopped doing ADSL and changed us to Slingshot. About the same time the phone line stopped working and we are getting very frequent disconnects.

I've been been onto technical support about this and have tried all the different jack points around the house and two different modems and are still getting disconnects all the time.

They said they can get Chorus to come out and investigate the fault, but if it is the internal wiring, there will be a $240 fine.

I don't want to pay $240 as I don't have that much money, so I am thinking of changing to Skinny 4G internet. It is quite cheap at $39 a month for 60 GB.

Does anyone have any experience with it? Is it going to be comparable performance with ADSL?

I already have a modem I got off my dad, so should be easy enough to check out.

The other thing to do would be to see if I get a better signal where the telephone wire comes into the house, but I'm not sure where that is, as everything seems to be underground as we are down a long driveway.

tygertung - 2020-11-09 06:51:00

4G should be faster than ADSL.

nice_lady - 2020-11-09 07:35:00

Unplug every other telephony device, including sky box etc, and try ONLY the internet, (without an inline filter). See if it disconnects. Process of elimination.

Edited by nice_lady at 7:37 am, Mon 9 Nov

nice_lady - 2020-11-09 07:37:00

Yes, there is nothing plugged in except the modem, with no filter. Have tried all the different jack points with 2 modems. Doesn't help.

tygertung - 2020-11-09 08:08:00

We had the Skinny 4G with their modem. It was only 95% good, as their modem stopped allowing communicating between my laptop and the big printer downstairs. (I had a workaround with a smaller printer and old-fashioned cable connection upstairs). I think we also had to unplug it a couple of times during the time we had it, to reset it.

We switched to fibre in June. The Spark fibre modem hasn't let us down so far and I can now also communicate wirelessly with the smaller printer.

Fibre is better.

Edited by hazelnut2 at 8:21 am, Mon 9 Nov

hazelnut2 - 2020-11-09 08:20:00

The difference between Fibre and 4G connection had nothing to do with your printer.

nice_lady - 2020-11-09 09:41:00
hazelnut2 wrote:

It was only 95% good, as their modem stopped allowing communicating between my laptop and the big printer downstairs.

that would simply suggest someone didn't configure the printer to talk to the new modem... nothing to do with the internet connection...

king1 - 2020-11-09 09:55:00

How can I check the internal wiring for the house?

tygertung - 2020-11-09 10:45:00
nice_lady wrote:

The difference between Fibre and 4G connection had nothing to do with your printer.

Um, I never said it did... I wrote about the Skinny MODEM and our experiences. We are not quite computer illiterate.. hubby works as a SysProg.

hazelnut2 - 2020-11-09 10:52:00

ok i have had issues like this . i have videos on testing phone line lol. But you need to know basics about electronics and how voltage works .
My problems are not there now after 20 years they finally dug up 2 or 3 years ago the road rural gravel to fix the section with all the problems because we have like 50 more people living down here now and all the good wires where used up since years.
I was like calling them every 2 month to repair the line for 15 years thats how bad it was.
Now i do have a backup With skinny mobile as its the cheapest .
I do have A antenna in the tree to point to the 4G antenna from telecom and a repeater inside the shop. i use the 36$ unlimmited card in a skinny modem it goes to about 1mb as in contract reduced speed.

"long story short to get skinny full speed you need to not move the modem from the antenna they do it by address if you live what they say is close enough you be getting the deal. = check your adress.
Then i dont know if its available to all or just Dole-blodgers there is skinny jump 5 buy or so for poor people. I did try that at my house a ex state house where dole-blodgers used to reside but no go. probably because its almost got no signal there also.
if you are with skinny check the link and post back if its telling you you can or can not have only if your not a dole blodger because i just like to know.

Edited by intrade at 11:01 am, Mon 9 Nov

intrade - 2020-11-09 10:57:00
tygertung wrote:

How can I check the internal wiring for the house?

By having Chorus check it, fix it and send the bill.

You also don't make it clear whether both Internet and phone disconnect. Is phone POTS or VoIP via the router??

spyware - 2020-11-09 11:34:00

I know a wee bit about electronics, and some videos would be good, the problem is I don't know where the interface box is for the phone line. I will check under the house to see if it is there. I just need to find a torch!

That skinny jump looks good and I might be able to get it maybe as we have two kids and a single income.

tygertung - 2020-11-09 11:50:00

Ive been with Skinny 4G for about 4 years, no problem here.

peanuts37 - 2020-11-09 12:40:00
spyware wrote:

By having Chorus check it, fix it and send the bill.

You also don't make it clear whether both Internet and phone disconnect. Is phone POTS or VoIP via the router??

The phone is a normal landline phone, no VoIP or anything. This stopped and the internet PPP keeps dropping out and the DSL keeps losing sync. I can't find the interface between the external and internal wiring either, so hard to isolate the internal wiring to check for shorts.

tygertung - 2020-11-09 12:41:00

I used to have ADSL issues in my other house.. I never had to pay for them to come check it out several times, because it turned out to be THEIR system's FAULT at the junction box if I remember correctly. They only warn the user so that you won't get a surprise to get a bill IF it's your house's problem and seeing as how you said all was working fine until you changed providers, I doubt it's your house!

P.S. is your dad's modem from Skinny? It might not be suitable as a air-internet modem. I think it needs a sim card, which come ready installed in the Skinny modem.

Edited by hazelnut2 at 1:34 pm, Mon 9 Nov

hazelnut2 - 2020-11-09 13:30:00
hazelnut2 wrote:

I used to have ADSL issues in my other house.. I never had to pay for them to come check it out several times, because it turned out to be THEIR system's FAULT at the junction box if I remember correctly. They only warn the user so that you won't get a surprise to get a bill IF it's your house's problem and seeing as how you said all was working fine until you changed providers, I doubt it's your house!

I'm leaving them anyway because I can't afford to risk the $240. I'm going to trial the skinny 4G.

tygertung - 2020-11-09 13:33:00
tygertung wrote:

I'm leaving them anyway because I can't afford to risk the $240. I'm going to trial the skinny 4G.

Skinny charge for the modem anyway. At least $99, if not $149.. can't remember which.

hazelnut2 - 2020-11-09 13:35:00

The problem with Skinny 4G is that I don't think you can have a phone with it, you have to use Skype or similar ?

zak410 - 2020-11-09 14:23:00

Yeah I know, but we have some cellphones now. I got one when I was 16. It was too expensive to call anyone then, but now I can call people for only $8 a month.

I have an old skinny 4g modem my dad gave me so maybe I can use that.

tygertung - 2020-11-09 15:01:00

diagnose phone line. number 1 pick up phone dial 137 and hang up then answer and listen for noises when phone rings as thats a callback number for analog phone.
on outside there is a gray pillar from that your house is connected .
Now if you own the house you can do more then when you rent. Like my wiring is all done by me only .
I got a box with filter for adsl and a lightning Arrestor from there i got a lead for testing if a problem is from the box to the gray pillar or within the house.

at the moment there is no splitter unit on sale on tradme like the lowest part in my immage. the other part you wont get its old equipment i had to test and it lets adsl signal for net passing thru.
Now the biggest problems i had when it was a fault in my place was a dead router modem. Currently i run a Vodafone router modem on my slingshot internet that i got from here . i always have 1 extra router to swap a new one to see if a problem is a dead onhanglow electronicals in routers again.
for skinny i use one of them with sim that i have to get the plan added in mobile phone then add it in router to use the net via the router.

Edited by intrade at 5:10 pm, Mon 9 Nov

intrade - 2020-11-09 17:01:00
tygertung wrote:

I know a wee bit about electronics, and some videos would be good, the problem is I don't know where the interface box is for the phone line. I will check under the house to see if it is there. I just need to find a torch!

That skinny jump looks good and I might be able to get it maybe as we have two kids and a single income.

here is my video testing with multi-meter and how to make sure before you call them for repair.

basically the internet can often still wok but drop out all the time. the fault always affects the analog phone unless it is your modem router at fault. So if you got no noise in phone and no problem with analog phone then you swap a router and no the skinny router cant be used on adsl.

this is what looks like the modem i currently use . i save the slingshot modem to swap if this fails. seems quite good , as most free modem routers you get from isp are secounds from the onhanglow district of the chenzen market if you ask me.

my one is not ufb its a old ADS vodafone one . i went and swapped the details in it to slingshot. but its what it looks like outside.

Edited by intrade at 5:27 pm, Mon 9 Nov

intrade - 2020-11-09 17:20:00

thats the splitter to use on ADSL you have to run a wire to modem and rest of house phone wiring can stay as it is. I use cat5 or 6 wire for my net and phone line

intrade - 2020-11-09 17:54:00

I've got the skinny 4g internet going. It's even faster than ADSL, getting about 30 mpbs a second rather than 20 on ADSL and I might be able to get even more if I put the modem by the window or something!

I'll have to see how many volts my phone line is getting, but the main problem is that there doesn't seem to be any external interface box for the phone line as all the services coming to my house are buried.

tygertung - 2020-11-11 13:49:00
tygertung wrote:

I've got the skinny 4g internet going. It's even faster than ADSL, getting about 30 mpbs a second rather than 20 on ADSL and I might be able to get even more if I put the modem by the window or something!

I'll have to see how many volts my phone line is getting, but the main problem is that there doesn't seem to be any external interface box for the phone line as all the services coming to my house are buried.

Good news about getting faster internet... it's such a pleasure to use!

All my services are buried too, but there is a phone jack on an INSIDE wall near my garage door. Chorus used this phone jack to hook the phone option in the fibre cable up to the phone circuit. I know the main phone/internet interface is down at the end of the drive in a box laid into the ground. They had to lay a separate fibre cable because they couldn't pull it up to the house through the existing conduits.

Do you have any communications boxes out on the footpath near your property?

Edited by hazelnut2 at 4:27 pm, Wed 11 Nov

hazelnut2 - 2020-11-11 16:23:00

No, we are down a right of way.

I did find one of those gray "phallus" telecomunication junction boxes by the fence under all the ivy, and had a look inside, but it was pretty damp and spidery in there and it was just a minor mess of wires and there were no markings on anything so it wasn't much help.

I went under the house and into the attic and checked all the exterior walls but there was nothing unfortunately.

It is a mystery to be sure.

tygertung - 2020-11-11 17:57:00
tygertung wrote:

I've got the skinny 4g internet going. It's even faster than ADSL, getting about 30 mpbs a second rather than 20 on ADSL

That would be an exceptional speed for ADSL.

nice_lady - 2020-11-11 19:13:00
tygertung wrote:

No, we are down a right of way.

I did find one of those gray "phallus" telecomunication junction boxes by the fence under all the ivy, and had a look inside, but it was pretty damp and spidery in there and it was just a minor mess of wires and there were no markings on anything so it wasn't much help.

I went under the house and into the attic and checked all the exterior walls but there was nothing unfortunately.

It is a mystery to be sure.

Am down the end of a shared drive too.. only I think I'm UP the end as the driveway goes up steeply! lol

hazelnut2 - 2020-11-11 19:18:00
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