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fraud kits and patterns


There are forein sellers on TM that are selling cross stitch kits and patterns that breach copyright, there was a mirabilia Cinderella which I reported and TM took it down, there is now Dimension kit of bears and another Nora Corbett Silver dragon fly, which is out of print, and is selling as a kit, they dont come as kits unless seller kits up themselves and they definately dont come on printed canvas!!! if you see any please report to TM. This is what happens when TM have allowed overseas sellers even though they say Ak I bought one to test and have been told could take up to 20 days, so obviously from overseas :-(

kiwiscrapper1 - 2020-11-05 08:59:00

If it is from overseas I can't see how copyrights can be enforced? Patents only apply in the country which they are lodged.

If it is out of print, well what is the harm?

tygertung - 2020-11-05 15:53:00

It is theft. Nothing less.

oh_hunnihunni - 2020-11-05 18:28:00
kiwiscrapper1 wrote:

There are forein sellers on TM that are selling cross stitch kits and patterns that breach copyright, there was a mirabilia Cinderella which I reported and TM took it down, there is now Dimension kit of bears and another Nora Corbett Silver dragon fly, which is out of print, and is selling as a kit, they dont come as kits unless seller kits up themselves and they definately dont come on printed canvas!!! if you see any please report to TM. This is what happens when TM have allowed overseas sellers even though they say Ak I bought one to test and have been told could take up to 20 days, so obviously from overseas :-(

Not just TM. It is rife among online traders and 3d party sites such as Amazon and Ebay. Indicators that something isn't as it should be are 'cheap' shipping costs, 'long' delivery times and poor replies if a question is asked.

brouser3 - 2020-11-08 11:51:00
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