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Cheap copies of MS Office 2019 for sale


I note listings of MS Office 2019 Home and Business for sale on TM for well under $200; the list price is $439 and about $366 at PB Tech.
Assuming these are legitimate copies, and obtained 'legally', how might they available at that price. Is it excess copies acquired from corporates cheaply and being onsold? Any ideas?

hkjoe - 2020-10-31 11:07:00

Yeah - Nah - Maybe. Sorry I don't really know. Someone might. Bugger buying Ms office unless you have a real need for specifically a Microsoft Office application. Theres a few really excellent free alternatives which work exceptionally well.

nice_lady - 2020-10-31 11:36:00

The answer is the cheaper version is a digital download, which it appears, would not be re-loadable if say the computer dies.

hkjoe - 2020-10-31 13:26:00
hkjoe wrote:

The answer is the cheaper version is a digital download, which it appears, would not be re-loadable if say the computer dies.

Sure it is. Save the download file. And your COA. Back it up.
But I'm with NiceLady...use Libre Office instead, it's free.

lythande1 - 2020-10-31 14:11:00

Libre Office seems to read all formats, while MS Office does not.

trade4us2 - 2020-10-31 16:01:00

This message was deleted.

azza20 - 2020-10-31 16:23:00
hkjoe wrote:

I note listings of MS Office 2019 Home and Business for sale on TM for well under $200; the list price is $439 and about $366 at PB Tech.
Assuming these are legitimate copies, and obtained 'legally', how might they available at that price. Is it excess copies acquired from corporates cheaply and being onsold? Any ideas?

if it's any less than PB Tech I would say its dodgy as f*** and you might as well buy a $5 key on ebay...

My best guess is they are corporate licenses obtained via volume licensing and will only be valid as long as the corporate keeps paying the license fees.

king1 - 2020-10-31 16:26:00

Thanks for the feedback. I now have an answer I am content with.

hkjoe - 2020-11-01 10:01:00
trade4us2 wrote:

Libre Office seems to read all formats, while MS Office does not.

And it works on multiple operating systems.

mark.p - 2020-11-01 11:00:00

My understanding is the cheap ones are surplus ‘keys’ issued for new computers to resellers, and have been discounted to clear. I have bought 3 now, over the years, and all have been good. The first time I bought one, I phoned Microsoft and asked if the key was legitimate. She checked, came back and said yes the program was legitimate. Whether they should be discounted or not, I don’t know, but most retailers discount goods that are surplus, so why not?

cosimo - 2020-11-01 15:10:00

Even at those rates it is still a rip-off

tygertung - 2020-11-01 15:32:00
tygertung wrote:

Even at those rates it is still a rip-off

You couldn't be more right, not to mention extraordinarily helpful. An excellent turn of phrase.

Edited by hkjoe at 4:31 pm, Sun 1 Nov

hkjoe - 2020-11-01 16:30:00

$10-$20 on ebay for a 5 install 'lifetime' license.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-11-01 17:12:00

LibraOffice. Free for a life time licence. And it is multi-platform...

mark.p - 2020-11-01 18:02:00
cosimo wrote:

My understanding is the cheap ones are surplus ‘keys’ issued for new computers to resellers, and have been discounted to clear. I have bought 3 now, over the years, and all have been good. The first time I bought one, I phoned Microsoft and asked if the key was legitimate. She checked, came back and said yes the program was legitimate. Whether they should be discounted or not, I don’t know, but most retailers discount goods that are surplus, so why not?

the only thing I have against the 'surplus' argument is that they should actually run out of licenses when the surplus is used up... but they never do... and I would have thought large manufacturers would be somewhat better at estimating their requirements...

The other thought I had is maybe these sellers just set up a company and sign up for a volume license with Microsoft, selling the thousands of licenses rather than using them...

king1 - 2020-11-01 18:07:00
tygertung wrote:

Even at those rates it is still a rip-off

and yet so many people are prepared to pay for it... maybe the free options just aren't up to the task, or they have a crap marketing strategy

king1 - 2020-11-01 18:10:00

I think people in enterprise think they need it, and members of the public are not aware of the free options.

Obviously if they are free, there isn't going to be a massive marketing budget.

tygertung - 2020-11-01 18:41:00

People think the free one is somehow inferior. They don't know how MS Office came to be in the first place...

And once a company gets fairly big, people think they're great....PBTech, they've had bad after sales service since day one.....

lythande1 - 2020-11-03 08:29:00

A lot of people simply are not aware the free version exist. They not exactly advertised in mainstream media.

And also sometimes they are just bamboozled by sales people. Hubby has had situation where he's advised a client who was elderly and about to buy a new computer to NOT buy Microsoft office as he would install a very good free program the sales man had different ideas and sold the guy a $400 copy of Ms office. Hubby told him to take it back. He only wanted to write letters.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:04 am, Tue 3 Nov

nice_lady - 2020-11-03 08:50:00
lythande1 wrote:

People think the free one is somehow inferior. They don't know how MS Office came to be in the first place...

And once a company gets fairly big, people think they're great....PBTech, they've had bad after sales service since day one.....

anything free is good to me, even if the source is somewhat questionable

in regard to PB depends on the specific store to be honest, I've had no issues with any of their locations

pcmaster - 2020-11-03 10:17:00
pcmaster wrote:

anything free is good to me, even if the source is somewhat questionable

in regard to PB depends on the specific store to be honest, I've had no issues with any of their locations

Yes, after finding out about the free office,l I found out about the free operating system that goes with it and ended up ditching Microsoft almost completely.

tygertung - 2020-11-03 13:15:00
hkjoe wrote:

The answer is the cheaper version is a digital download, which it appears, would not be re-loadable if say the computer dies.

why not I have changed my drives on a few pc's and reloaded office onto them

mber2 - 2020-11-05 14:17:00
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