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After a childs dk beanie pattern for a 53cm Head


Hi.Im after a pattern for the above.The child im knitting for has a large head for a 2 year old.Ive looked online and thru my stash and cant find anything.Would anybody have a pattern for the above that I could buy or just have the rough guide as per stitches and length.The pattern may need to be for a small adult.head size 53 cm and just after a stocking stitch pattern.TIA Carol

carol113 - 2020-10-28 17:14:00

The magic hat pattern is very stretchy and has multiple sizes. Its free on Ravelry

mica3 - 2020-10-28 21:32:00

THanks so much mica3..That is perfect.So appreciated..Just what i was after

carol113 - 2020-10-28 21:39:00

There are just so many free beanie patterns on line, some have the same design for kids, and adults, surely you can find one.

voyager4 - 2020-10-29 11:14:00
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