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Dell laptop


Hi - when starting my Dell laptop I got through the login without any issue but instead of loading my desktop it came up with - IDS_WAIT_TEXT_STRING. IT then seemed to do a scan I think before loading up fully.

Can anyone shed any light on what this was about and should I be concerned?


cromergy - 2020-10-27 13:06:00

Microsoft Office recently installed ?

gubay - 2020-10-31 13:57:00

If so it's not installed properly.

gubay - 2020-10-31 14:03:00

No was installed when I got the laptop and no prior problems. Everything seems to be fine again at the moment.

cromergy - 2020-11-04 08:22:00

call dell support.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-11-04 17:51:00

I could be wrong and someone will correct me but if it is doing a scan on startup then it is your AV or a fault in the boot up. check it

Edited by mber2 at 3:27 pm, Thu 5 Nov

mber2 - 2020-11-05 15:23:00

I think you're wrong, its not a windows error, its a dell specific issue.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2020-11-06 08:54:00
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