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Google tag manager, Bam-cell-nr, slow loading?


When I click on a vehicle listing or similar it takes a second or 2 to load, it used to be quite instant & I see things like google tag manager & bam-cell-nr, I have googled & see these are tracking type things that let the website know statistics etc, I run ad blocker, can I speed up my experience by stopping these things?

johnn - 2020-10-25 12:02:00

No idea where you're seeing these things or why you'd think they would affect your loading time, but they're server side processes and have nothing to do with your experience.

As for your slow load times, try a different browser to see if it still happens. That will rule out your current browser as being the issue.

Edited by videomonkey at 12:11 pm, Sun 25 Oct

videomonkey - 2020-10-25 12:09:00

This message was deleted.

mark.p - 2020-10-25 13:37:00
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