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Can I make ceviche with frozen snapper?


My neighbour has given me some beautiful snapper that he caught & froze immediately & I love ceviche - would that work, do you think?

samanya - 2020-02-20 17:42:00

Yip should react just like fresh snapper.
Just thaw and use as you would fresh

Edited by charli at 7:40 pm, Thu 20 Feb

charli - 2020-02-20 19:39:00

Yip it's east to dice small when it's frozen hard.
I used to make it at a restaraunt I worked at. We used frozen orange roughie

Edited by cabrio1 at 8:10 pm, Thu 20 Feb

cabrio1 - 2020-02-20 20:08:00

Great, thanks - I figured that the lovely snapper caught form his kayak would be way fresher than anything I would buy from a retail outlet.

samanya - 2020-02-20 20:28:00

Not as firm or as sweet but OK

deboron - 2020-02-21 09:29:00
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