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how many of you have actually written to Trade me


I was really upset to hear the boards are clolsing and I sent a very long email to trademe about how much these boartds mean to many of us who have been on here for a very long time.

I hope I am not the only one to complain to them directly. I also asked them if they had done any consultation with their memeber.s Will be interesting to see if I get a reeply. Cheers

skydancing - 2020-02-14 19:42:00

I wrote them an email ... haven't had a response yet though. I love coming onto the messageboards to get ideas for recipes etc and generally found so much support when I've needed help. To be honest, I've spent money on TM that I wouldn't have done otherwise .... because I've taken on ideas while on the messageboards and then hunted items down to buy as a consequence. Would I come to TM without the messageboards I frequent? Probably very rarely.

porsh_a - 2020-02-14 23:36:00

I emailed them but I do not expect a reply. I imagine they are inundated with outrage. Mine was quite rude,

geoone - 2020-02-15 09:37:00

thanks so much for your responses I was hoping I was not the only one. They probably wont listen but hey we have to try.

skydancing - 2020-02-15 13:40:00

I emailed them as well - have had no response.

nzhel - 2020-02-15 23:55:00

Is there no other online message board that people can join in New Zealand to talk about food ?

karlymouse - 2020-02-16 00:10:00
nzhel wrote:

I emailed them as well - have had no response.

Same here.

samanya - 2020-02-16 12:09:00

I did, told them I was disgusted. I love the recipes column, so often I just need a little bit of fresh inspiration to cook something I have never heard of. Of course, Trademe have not replied!

vomo2 - 2020-02-16 12:24:00

I dont think anyone there understands the meaning of the word "community", which is what all the topic headings fall under, where anyone is entitled to have differing views about anything, and supporting people who ask for help or advice about anything. Being part of, or encouraging, a community should be something 'trade me' wants to be part of.

articferrit - 2020-02-16 20:21:00

Never heard back from them. haha not like the time years ago I wrote in a thread in general that I was contacting TV 3 news over something and they rang me up prompto.

landylass - 2020-02-16 21:05:00

Me! When it was first announced, I didnt hear back either ????

kiwiscrapper1 - 2020-02-16 22:58:00

I can't see why they have to be closed down. It would appear they don't realise how for some people it is their main contact with people.

chakendrick - 2020-02-17 19:18:00
chakendrick wrote:

I can't see why they have to be closed down. It would appear they don't realise how for some people it is their main contact with people.

If everyone on the boards behaved themselves and TradeMe didn't need to use valuable staff time to moderate/ban/send warning emails, then no doubt the boards could still be viable. I don't blame TradeMe for not wanting to play referee when discussions on the boards have nothing to do with buying and selling.

There are plenty of other places online for discussions, interest groups etc. It's just a matter of doing some research.

Edited by kitty179 at 7:24 pm, Mon 17 Feb

kitty179 - 2020-02-17 19:23:00

Email them a recipe

kimmac - 2020-02-20 01:59:00


skull - 2020-02-21 08:21:00
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